Local host not running properly

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hey, I am facing this issue:
^C$ flask run --host= --port=8080

  • Serving Flask app ‘app.py’
  • Debug mode: off
    WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
  • Running on all addresses (
  • Running on
  • Running on
    Press CTRL+C to quit

so when i run the ip address its simply not opening on my local machine.

I checked through curl to verify whther its some other issue, but curl returned with the right output. idk what’s the issue anymore.


we need more context to answer this.

are you using ai workbench?

what are you trying to do?


Sure, so like I have my code and everything sorted, there’s no problem from that side.

First of all, yes, I am using AI workbench and running my code on jupyter lab connected to it.

when I run flask run app.py, it runs successfully and provides me with host:

127.xxx.xxx… & 172.xxx.xxx to run my application.

But when I run these addresses on my laptop I don’t receive any response.

At first, I thought maybe there’s some other issue, so I tried getting the response back using curl in the terminal itself, and got the correct response.

I just want to know why am I unable to run it locally. It works in the terminal itself but as soon as I run it on my laptop’s browser(edge, chrome, etc), there’s no response.

I am creating an AI business report and analysis sheet generator so the project’s regarding tht.

Hi, thanks for reaching out. Have you looked at this “Add a custom application” walkthrough in the documentation? It gives a step-by-step example of adding a simple gradio app to AI Workbench, and it seems a flask app should follow similarly.

Remember, AI Workbench uses a reverse proxy to surface applications from project container to host so simply typing in a localhost and port on your host’s browser may not open the application (running in the project container) properly.