Sure, so like I have my code and everything sorted, there’s no problem from that side.
First of all, yes, I am using AI workbench and running my code on jupyter lab connected to it.
when I run flask run, it runs successfully and provides me with host:… & to run my application.
But when I run these addresses on my laptop I don’t receive any response.
At first, I thought maybe there’s some other issue, so I tried getting the response back using curl in the terminal itself, and got the correct response.
I just want to know why am I unable to run it locally. It works in the terminal itself but as soon as I run it on my laptop’s browser(edge, chrome, etc), there’s no response.
I am creating an AI business report and analysis sheet generator so the project’s regarding tht.
Hi, thanks for reaching out. Have you looked at this “Add a custom application” walkthrough in the documentation? It gives a step-by-step example of adding a simple gradio app to AI Workbench, and it seems a flask app should follow similarly.
Remember, AI Workbench uses a reverse proxy to surface applications from project container to host so simply typing in a localhost and port on your host’s browser may not open the application (running in the project container) properly.