Why my JupyterLab in local host mode? My wifi is connected

Hi All,
I install this version,

Package: nvidia-jetpack
Version: 4.6.4-b39
Architecture: arm64
Maintainer: NVIDIA Corporation
Installed-Size: 194

I notice this version did not have JupyterLab.
So, I follow this step. How to Install Jupyter Lab on JP4.4
My wifi wlan0 is <192.168.xxx.xxx>. So, i try 192.168.xxx.xxx:8888. But cannot open jupyterlab.
I use

jupyter notebook --no-browser

I only can access using localhost <>.

May I know, why I cannot open or install jupyterlab is wrong step?


Could you try if manually importing the IP can work?

jupyter notebook --ip xx.xx.xx.xx --port 8888


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Thank you for the solution. I can open jupyter by using own IP address. Follow this website How to Install Jupyter Lab on JP4.4

I believe, i work on virtual environment deepstream.

Now, I continue follow this step, Step5 https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/JetRacer_AI_Kit#2._Software_setup

Step 5. Install the python package

  • Access JetRacer by going to http://<jetracer_ip_address>:8888
  • Launch a new terminal. The default user name and password are both jetson.
  • Switch the Jetracer batch to the Master.
cd Jetracer 
sudo git checkout master 
sudo python3 setup.py install 
sudo reboot 

I cannot continue step 5. Can you help me?

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