Looking for definitions of the Parameters in the QoS enabled Log Files

Hi guys, I have enabled QoS logs and was just wondering there was any definitions for the parameters in the log file as the naming is quite vague and I want to know what exactly these parameters measure and represent. I couldn’t seem to find any information about what these parameters represent, namely:

  1. What is the difference between Frame Delivery Time (ms) and Latency (ms) and do any of them include encoding/decoding time?
  2. What is the difference between Frame Queue Time (ms) and Frame Latch Time (ms)
  3. Round Trip Delay- Does it include cloud processing time and how is it measured? (is it client to server to client), where in the architecture are the points being measured between? (I have attached a photo of the official nvidia slides)

Is the Round Trip Delay in the QoS the same as the Latency in the log file
4. Jitter - How is it being measured?

You can find some information of what the metrics mean within our FAQs here: Questions, Comments, and Bugs — NVIDIA CloudXR SDK documentation