I’m new and I have a test scene I’m playing with. I can animate a camera in Machinima and other object. Then get then to render in Machinima. If I reopen that file in Composer and hit render. The view port jumps and render a slight blue color.
Are there extensions I need to turn on to render in composer? The reason I want to render in Composer I couldn’t get Cesium to work in Machinima
Hi and thanks for posting. Unfortunately, Machinima is a really old product we don’t support any more. Luckily USD Composer 2023.2.5 is the latest version on the Launcher and that works fine. You should be able to open the usd file from Machinima no problem. Not sure about the “viewport jumps” and rendering slightly blue. For the color you can adjust in the Rendering Settings, especially the Post Processing settings for color. Remember you want to use Movie Capture to render out an animation. If you just hit F10 it will capture the current frame to disk. To set that up correctly, you need to go into Preferences > Screen Capture.
For Cesium to work you also need to have FSD on (Fabric). This is also in the Preferences setting under “Rendering”.
Thats a shame Machinima is no longer supported. Most of the tutorials I have seen that shows a camera animated was in Machinima.
These are the steps I take in Composer that are not working for me. Create a box and plane for environment. Create camera from perspective view. Keyframe camera with curve editor with slight movement. Drop camera into sequencer. Open Movie Capture to render out 50 frames. In Composer once I hit render it jumps from the camera view to the below image.
The steps should be exactly the same. Find some of our tutorials on USD Composer which used to be called Create. All the basic controls and workflows are the same. If the animation part is not working for you at this moment, and you are still learning, leave animation and sequencer for a while and focus on good usd scene creation and single frame rendering. Then you can come back to animation when you learn more. Open some of our examples in USD Composer and test those out. You can find them in the “Showcase” tab and the “Examples” tab. I would not use Sequencer. The rest is fine.
I’m new to omniverse not 3d. I’ve used 3dsmax, Unreal and allot of other 3ds packages in production for many years. I’ll keep looking into the software.
Has anyone been able to render Cesium Google Photorealistic 3d Tiles? With Movie Capture not screen shots. It displays and works great until the you hit render.
Oh ok. This post was originally about Machinima and Composer. So at this moment you are saying you have Composer working, Cesium working, but using Movie Capture with Cesium is a problem ? I have not heard about that.
So what happens if you disable cesium ? Movie capture works ?
If Cesium is disable and Fabric Scene Delegate uncheck it renderers like it should. If Cesium is enabled and Fabric Scene Delegate is unchecked It renders but cesium is not visible. If Cesium is enable and Fabric Scene Delegate is checked, than no render. At least this is true on my side. I have recreated a few scenes with the same results.
You did all the combos except Cesium off and FSD on. I assume that is fine ?
What you can try is our brand new 106 version of Composer by building it yourself from our new KAT (kit app template). Follow this link and instructions.