Mathematical definition of 3D Bounding Boxes Annotator Nvidia Omniverse Isaac Sim

I’m trying to understand how to read exactly the data obtained by using the bounding_box_3d annotator from Omniverse Isaac Sim.
From here it is possible to see that the data obtained is in the following format:

        ("instanceId", "<u4"),
        ("semanticId", "<u4"),
        ("x_min", "<f4"),
        ("y_min", "<f4"),
        ("z_min", "<f4"),
        ("x_max", "<f4"),
        ("y_max", "<f4"),
        ("z_max", "<f4"),
        ("transform", "<f4", (4, 4)),

Could someone please point me to some document or to anything to help me understand how can I get the coordinates of the 8 points that define a 3D bounding box from this data?

I’ve tried searching for myself but unfortunately I haven’t found anything.
Thank you very much

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Hi @user62296 , sorry for the late reply. The values such as x_min, y_min are the extents of the prim. Transform is the transform matrix from object space to world space. Below is a test to extract the 3dbbox data and display it visually on the images.

import omni.replicator.core as rep
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
import omni.syntheticdata as sd
import numpy as np

def world_to_image_pinhole(world_points, camera_params):
	# Project corners to image space (assumes pinhole camera model)
	proj_mat = camera_params["cameraProjection"].reshape(4, 4)
	view_mat = camera_params["cameraViewTransform"].reshape(4, 4)
	view_proj_mat =, proj_mat)
	world_points_homo = np.pad(world_points, ((0, 0), (0, 1)), constant_values=1.0)
	tf_points =, view_proj_mat)
	tf_points = tf_points / (tf_points[..., -1:])
	return 0.5 * (tf_points[..., :2] + 1)

def draw_points(img, image_points, radius=5):
	width, height = img.size
	draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
	image_points[:, 1] = height - image_points[:, 1]
	for point in image_points:
		xy = (point[0] - radius, point[1] - radius, point[0] + radius, point[1] + radius)
		draw.ellipse(xy, fill=(255, 0, 0), outline=(0, 0, 0))

class CustomWriter(rep.Writer):
	def __init__(self, output_dir):
		self.frame_id = 0
		self.backend = rep.BackendDispatch({"paths": {"out_dir": output_dir}})
		self.annotators = ["bounding_box_3d", "rgb", "camera_params"]

	def write(self, data):
		img = Image.fromarray(data["rgb"])
		render_product = [k for k in data.keys() if k.startswith("rp_")][0] # assumes a single viewport attached
		width, height = data[render_product]["resolution"]
		bbox3ds = data["bounding_box_3d"]["data"]

		# Get 3D BBOX corners
		corners_3d = sd.helpers.get_bbox_3d_corners(bbox3ds)
		corners_3d = corners_3d.reshape(-1, 3)

		# Project to image space
		corners_2d = world_to_image_pinhole(corners_3d, data["camera_params"])
		corners_2d *= np.array([[width, height]])

		# Draw corners on image
		draw_points(img, corners_2d)
		self.backend.write_image(f"{self.frame_id}.png", img)
		self.frame_id += 1


camera =, 0, 1000))
rp = rep.create.render_product(camera, (1024, 512))
writer = rep.WriterRegistry.get("CustomWriter")

with rep.trigger.on_frame(num_frames=10):
	rep.create.cube(semantics=[("class", "cube")])
	with rep.create.cube(count=1, position=rep.distribution.uniform((-200, -200, -200), (200, 200, 200)), semantics=[("class", "cube")]):