MGBE controller 0 in the Jetson AGX Orin module

In the Jetson_AGX_Orin_Series_Design_Guide, following description was mentioned.

The MGBE Controller #0 mentioned in the above description is mapped to the MGBE(C0) in the following UPHY2 mapping table?

The MGBE-A (ethernet@6810000) device node mentioned in the tegra234-ethernet-3737-0000.dtsi device tree file also refers to MGBE Controller #0 ?

    /* MGBE - A */
    ethernet@6810000 {
            status = "okay";
            nvidia,mac-addr-idx = <0>;
            nvidia,max-platform-mtu = <16383>;
            /* 1=enable, 0=disable */
            nvidia,pause_frames = <1>;
            phy-handle = <&mgbe0_aqr113c_phy>;
            phy-mode = "10gbase-r";
            /* 0:XFI 10G, 1:XFI 5G, 2:USXGMII 10G, 3:USXGMII 5G */
            nvidia,phy-iface-mode = <0>;
            nvidia,phy-reset-gpio = <&tegra_main_gpio TEGRA234_MAIN_GPIO(Y, 1) 0>;

            mdio {
                    compatible = "nvidia,eqos-mdio";
                    #address-cells = <1>;
                    #size-cells = <0>;

                    mgbe0_aqr113c_phy: ethernet_phy@0 {
                            compatible = "ethernet-phy-ieee802.3-c45";
                            reg = <0x0>;
                            nvidia,phy-rst-pdelay-msec = <150>; /* msec */
                            nvidia,phy-rst-duration-usec = <221000>; /* usec */
                            interrupt-parent = <&tegra_main_gpio>;
                            interrupts = <TEGRA234_MAIN_GPIO(Y, 3) IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;

Yes, that one is MGBE0

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