Missing Files for CuDNN-7 ..... downgrade

Hi, dear developers:

I need two files to downgrade Xavier NX (Ubuntu/Arm64)
from cuDNN-8 to cuDNN-7:

cuDNN 7.6.4 for Ubuntu 18.04 (libcudnn7_7.6.4.30-1+cuda10.2_arm64.deb)
cuDNN 7.6.4 Tar archive for Linux (cudnn-10.2-linux-aarch64-v7.6.4.30.tgz)

could you please help me to find those two files ?

this is for a project described at http://www.ezchess.org/

thank you very much for help!


Hi @mebc,
You can find it in the archived release.


thank you for your reply.
still I cannot locate those files for arm64 machines (Jetson NX) in the archives.
where are they axacly located???

thanks in advance

Hi @mebc,
Are you still facing the issue?
Can you retry using Jetpack with corresponding cudnn version.

If the issue persist, we recommend you to reach out to the Jetson forum for further assistance.


Thank you for your kind request!

As mentioned above I wanted to run a chess program (lczero) on a jetson NX with cuda.
The Ubuntu 18.04 in the Jetson device comes with cuDNN-8 libraries and as pointed out by the author of the project [http://www.ezchess.org/ ] there is a bug in it preventing LCZero engine to load .

The work around proposed there is a downgrade to cuDNN-7.

This I did, I finally found two required files, and installed them as described in the project for the jetson NX .

libcudnn7.6.4.30 and cuda 10.2 seem to work for this project. However there are dependency errors which I cannot resolve and I cannot install further packages.

The avoid the dependency errors in other projects the jetson has to be booted from a second sdcard with cudnn8 installed. This of course is not really feasible, because it is a real pain in the neck to change the sd card (jetson in a metal case).

I wonder if cudnn7.6.4.30 can somehow coexist on the jetson NX with later versions i.e cudnn8… or if one can maybe switch between different cudnn versions.

Do you have any idea how to achive this???

Thank you so much for your care and help.


Hi @mebc,
I recommend you to reach out to Jetson NX Forum to et better assistance.


Hi @mebc ,

did you finally find an acceptable way to run ezchess / lczero on the board? Thanks in advance for any hint and feedback.

best regards Jack

Hi Jack, - Yes, I compiled lczero and use cudnn 8.0. This worked. Using cudnn 7.6 will lead to dependency problems after system updates. So this is not a clean way to run the Jetson NX. May be lczero is slower with cudnn 8.0 => but ok you have to accept that …
so thank you for your kind help and request!
Best regards
