I have JP6 installed on a Orin Nano (36.2). I am developing on the nano itself. I am trying to create an overlay to update the pinmux and have used the Orin excel template to generate the dtsi files. I removed the 2.2k pullups thinking this will lower the pads from 3.3v to 1.8v. When I run jetson-io to add the hardware it errors stating that it cannot configure pin3. Below is the fragment dts file for the overlay. I am not sure on the formatting but it seems that the jetson-io does not parse the header properly to begin with.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
include <dt-bindings/tegra234-p3767-0000-common.h>
include <dt-bindings/clock/tegra234-clock.h>
include <dt-bindings/gpio/tegra234-gpio.h>
include <dt-bindings/pinctrl/pinctrl-tegra.h>
include <dt-bindings/gpio/tegra234-gpio.h>
include “./orin-nano-1_8_i2c-gpio-default.dtsi”
/ {
overlay-name = “I2C Level Shift pinmux”;
jetson-header-name = “Jetson Nano CSI Connector”;
compatible = “nvidia,p3768-0000+p3767-0005”;
fragment@0 {
target-path ="&pinmux";
__overlay__ {
pinctrl.names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&pinmux_default>;
pinmux_default: common {
csi-pin3 {
nvidia,pins = "cam_i2c_scl_pp2";
nvidia,function = "i2c3";
nvidia,pull = <TEGRA_PIN_PULL_NONE>;
nvidia,tristate = <TEGRA_PIN_DISABLE>;
nvidia,enable-input = <TEGRA_PIN_ENABLE>;
nvidia,io-high-voltage = <TEGRA_PIN_DISABLE>;
nvidia,lpdr = <TEGRA_PIN_DISABLE>;
csi-pin2 {
nvidia,pins = "cam_i2c_sda_pp3";
nvidia,function = "i2c3";
nvidia,pull = <TEGRA_PIN_PULL_NONE>;
nvidia,tristate = <TEGRA_PIN_DISABLE>;
nvidia,enable-input = <TEGRA_PIN_ENABLE>;
nvidia,io-high-voltage = <TEGRA_PIN_DISABLE>;
nvidia,lpdr = <TEGRA_PIN_DISABLE>;