I encountered a problem during the installation of issaacgym, and after executing the following command:
conda activate rlgpu
pip install -e .
Next, I executed the example :
cd example/
python joint_monkey.py
But I have encountered the following issues:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “joint_monkey.py”, line 19, in
from isaacgym import gymapi, gymutil
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘isaacgym’
May I ask what is going on and how should I solve it?
I got the same error when I try to run:(rlgpu) lium@qsq:~/isaacgym/IsaacGymEnvs/isaacgymenvs$ python train.py task=Cartpole
have u fixed it now?pls let me know!!
Don’t know if this will work for others, but I did the following and it fixed it:
- Delete the environment: conda remove --name rlgpu --all
- Deactivate all conda environements, even base
- Run conda env creation script
After those steps it worked
same problem here, tried your conda remove, deactivate, and recreate but the problem persist
I installed isaacGym and Legged Gym in Docker and they were successful.
The image I am using is shaux/cuda12.2-ubuntu20.04 torch2.1.0 imagenet: v2 pipeline
You can try this method, it works through personal testing