Error in setting up Isaac Gym in CPU

I am installing Isaac Gym on my virtual machine(Ubuntu 18.04) from my Macbook pro, which only have Cpus. My prerequisites are python 3.8, and cuda 11.4. And when I try to run the example: in the issacgym/python/examples directory, I got error message like this:

I am using command python --sim_device cpu --pipeline cpu
Does anyone know how to fix this? Thank you!

Hi @yanxin.ding

Isaac Gym requires a valid CUDA compute capable device at the creation of simulation. The errors you are seeing is because it wasn’t able to find such devices on your machine.

hi, I got a 2080ti GPU on my PC and I installed the Cuda 11.6, but still I face this problem.
And the OS is ubuntu20.04, why this happened, I installed the Isaac gym in a Conda environment, and the Cuda is installed in the global environment, would this cause the error?