I am trying to install Modulus on Ubuntu in my workplace. However, as we are not allowed to use Docker, I am trying to install it the Bare Metal version from Github (GitHub - NVIDIA/modulus: A PyTorch based deep-learning toolkit for developing DL models for physical systems)
I installed all requirements using:
pip install matplotlib transforms3d future typing numpy quadpy
numpy-stl==2.16.3 h5py sympy==1.5.1 termcolor psutil
symengine==0.6.1 numba Cython chaospy torch_optimizer
vtk chaospy termcolor omegaconf hydra-core==1.1.1 einops
timm tensorboard pandas orthopy ndim functorch pint
And then cloned and installed Modulus using pip.
I can import modulus successfully on Python, however I get a “no module” error for trying to import modulus.hydra or modulus.key.
When I look at the github file, there are no specific hydra or key sublibraries though…
How could I solve this? Thank you for your help!