More about DriveNet

Hello, We are working on a project that requires the use of the DriveNet. We are interested in to know where we can find the type of input that this DNN requires and also the output that we can get after infer an image. We saw that we get an image with a Bounding Box in some kinds of objects but how we can extract this information in “text format” and also, which is all the information that we can extract from DriveNet?

Another interesting think to know, there is any information to transform an image in ROS2 using sensor_msgs/Image in a CUDA image?

Thanks in advance!

Software Version
NVIDIA DRIVE™ Software 10.0 (Linux)

Target Operating System

Hardware Platform
NVIDIA DRIVE™ AGX Xavier DevKit (E3550)

SDK Manager Version

Host Machine Version
native Ubuntu 18.04

Dear @daniel.yustegalvez,
It works AR0231 RCCB sensor camera data. Could you check DriveNet sample documentation at /path/to/DRIVE_SW_10.0_References/DRIVE_Software/DRIVE_AV_doxy_files/dwx_drivenet_sample.html.
Also, for more details on DriveNet model, please check Modules → Drive Networks → DriveNet in DW documentation.

any information to transform an image in ROS2 using sensor_msgs/Image in a CUDA image?

No, DW has only APIs to convert NvMedia/CPU to convert CUDA Image.


Thanks for the answer.
Another question… How can I get access to the outputs of the dwObjectCamera? With DriveNet?

Dear @daniel.yustegalvez,
Could you check processResults method in drivenet sample. It has code snippet to access dwObjectCamera object members.

Sorry, I have not explained well. My question is: Can I get access to ALL the outputs in the dwObjectCamera using DriveNet?

Dear @daniel.yustegalvez,
Yes. m_detectorOutput array contains all the object detections from the DriveNet module. Each entry in m_detectorOutput corresponds to each object detection.

Ok, If I’m not wrong, it’s means that I can extract position, velocity, acceleration and others using DriveNet.

Not all the fields in dwObjectcamera gets filled with DriveNet module. You may verify field values in DriveNet sample.

OK… And there is any module that contains all this fields? Or maybe it could be possible with a combination of some modules…