some new found.
I just realized that I need to send a can message to can channel a. Then, if I run sudo ./sample_canbus_logger --driver=can.aurix --params=ip=,bus=a,bport=60395
then, the info becomes
Program Arguments:
[10-02-2020 03:00:33] Platform: Detected DDPX - Tegra A
[10-02-2020 03:00:33] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1581297148272735
[10-02-2020 03:00:33] PTP Time is available from NVPPS Driver
[10-02-2020 03:00:34] Platform: number of GPU devices detected 1
[10-02-2020 03:00:34] Platform: currently selected GPU device integrated ID 0
[10-02-2020 03:00:34] SDK: Resources mounted from /usr/local/driveworks-2.2/data/
[10-02-2020 03:00:34] SDK: Create NvMediaDevice
[10-02-2020 03:00:34] egl::Display: found 1 EGL devices
[10-02-2020 03:00:34] egl::Display: use drm device: drm-nvdc
[10-02-2020 03:00:34] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1581297148272735
[10-02-2020 03:00:34] PTP Time is available from NVPPS Driver
[10-02-2020 03:00:34] Initialize DriveWorks SDK v2.2.3136
[10-02-2020 03:00:34] Release build with GNU 7.3.1 from heads/buildbrain-branch-0-gca7b4b26e65 against Drive PDK v5.1.6.1
[10-02-2020 03:00:34] SensorFactory::createSensor() → can.aurix, ip=,bus=a,bport=60395
Cannot setup CAN message filters: DW_NOT_SUPPORTED
[10-02-2020 03:00:34] EndpointUDP: started
[10-02-2020 03:00:38] Received from - 46 bytes, src=4, dst=1, app=202, time=6491217, id=259, length=38
[10-02-2020 03:00:38] Received at most 1 CAN messages within 22 bytes
[10-02-2020 03:00:38] CAN messages [956] for 0 at 2148417473879056
[10-02-2020 03:00:38] Parsed 1 CAN messages, found 1 messages on selected EasyCAN bus.
2148417473879056 → 3BC [8] F5 3A EA A6 39 0D 4D 44
[10-02-2020 03:00:39] Received from - 46 bytes, src=4, dst=1, app=202, time=6492147, id=259, length=38
[10-02-2020 03:00:39] Received at most 1 CAN messages within 22 bytes
[10-02-2020 03:00:39] CAN messages [956] for 0 at 4026536468026536
[10-02-2020 03:00:39] Parsed 1 CAN messages, found 1 messages on selected EasyCAN bus.
4026536468026536 (dt=1878118994147480) → 3BC [8] F5 3A EA A6 39 0D 4D 44
[10-02-2020 03:00:39] Received from - 46 bytes, src=4, dst=1, app=202, time=6492807, id=259, length=38
[10-02-2020 03:00:39] Received at most 1 CAN messages within 22 bytes
[10-02-2020 03:00:39] CAN messages [956] for 0 at 4026536468026536
[10-02-2020 03:00:39] Parsed 1 CAN messages, found 1 messages on selected EasyCAN bus.
4026536468026536 (dt=0) → 3BC [8] F5 3A EA A6 39 0D 4D 44
[10-02-2020 03:00:41] Received from - 46 bytes, src=4, dst=1, app=202, time=6494077, id=259, length=38
[10-02-2020 03:00:41] Received at most 1 CAN messages within 22 bytes
[10-02-2020 03:00:41] CAN messages [956] for 0 at 2148346628486589
[10-02-2020 03:00:41] Parsed 1 CAN messages, found 1 messages on selected EasyCAN bus.
2148346628486589 (dt=-1878189839539947) ERROR msg out of order - → 3BC [8] F5 3A EA A6 39 0D 4D 44
[10-02-2020 03:00:42] Received from - 46 bytes, src=4, dst=1, app=202, time=6495737, id=259, length=38
[10-02-2020 03:00:42] Received at most 1 CAN messages within 22 bytes
[10-02-2020 03:00:42] CAN messages [956] for 0 at 2148417473879056
[10-02-2020 03:00:42] Parsed 1 CAN messages, found 1 messages on selected EasyCAN bus.
2148417473879056 (dt=70845392467) → 3BC [8] F5 3A EA A6 39 0D 4D 44
- Sometimes, it gives a dt error. I synced the aurix and tegra again by following the procedure to make sure the difference is within +/- 3. Any thoughts?
- I tried several bport values, 60395,60396,60397,50000. Only 60395 worked. So, how to get multi aurix can working at the same time?
Thank you again VickNV!