I am using NanoDB to scan/search new images. Using both the webui or terminal, the image scan returns inaccurate results. I freshly downloaded the COCO index files using the links HERE and get the same result. Below are the results, first one for image scan that is not working, second one text scan that works.
When I use the docker image - dustynv/nanodb:r36.2.0
, then image search works as expected. The above issue happens when I build my own image nanodb:r36.4.0. Also r36.2.0 has a size of 7.8GB whereas r36.4.0 I built on Jetson Orin Nano has a size of 15.2GB.
How do you build the r36.4.0 image?
Could you share the command or Dockerfile with us?
jetson-containers run -v /mnt/ssd/data:/data-ssd $(autotag nanodb) python3 -m nanodb --path /data-ssd/nanodb/coco/2017 --server --port=7860
I also updated nanodb docker file to use my clone nanodb repo for few UI cosmetic changes and be able to search the image from terminal instead of scan
ADD https://api.github.com/repos/osecen/nanodb/git/refs/heads/main /tmp/nanodb_version.json
RUN git clone https://github.com/osecen/NanoDB /opt/NanoDB && \
cd /opt/NanoDB && \
pip3 install --ignore-installed --no-cache-dir blinker && \
pip3 install --no-cache-dir --verbose -r requirements.txt && \
pip3 install --user -e .
RUN PYTHON_ROOT=`pip3 show torch | grep Location: | cut -d' ' -f2` && \
sed 's|if utils\.validate_url(img)|if False|g' -i $PYTHON_ROOT/gradio/components.py && \
sed 's|file_path = self.make_temp_copy_if_needed(img)|file_path=img|g' -i $PYTHON_ROOT/gradio/components.py && \
grep -B 35 'Cannot process type as image' $PYTHON_ROOT/gradio/components.py
We will report this issue to our internal team.
But as the Nanodb is fully open-sourced, you can also check the source and locate the issue directly.
As we have limited resources, we rely on community efforts to help out.
I also have a Jetson AGX Orin and I tried the same with r35.3.1 local build from the same repo and it worked this time. I wonder if image scanning in nanodb is just not working in Jetpack 6 at all.
Thank you for reporting this issue you are encountering with the NanoDB containers @ondersec - if I understand it correctly, the ingest works for you when you rebuild the container. Had you rebuilt the container on JP6 also, or only JP5? The latest version I had built here for JP6 seemed to be working…
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