Hi. I am trying to use DeepStream SDK on Jetson TX2 (R28.1, Jetpack 3.1). However i can’t figure out what exactly going on in DeepStream SDK files. Since there is no detailed documentation, i’m trying to trace .c files placed inside ~/nvgstiva-app_sources/nvgstiva-app/src directory. BUt there is also one config file got me thinking is that PGIE-FP16-CarType-CarMake-CarColor.txt. What is this txt file doing and what is the relevance between that config file and nvgstiva_primary_gie_bin.c or nvgstiva_secondary_gie_bin.c files? Should i write a c or c++ script from the scratch to run my own models? Thanks in advance.
Please remember to extract the file NVIDIA_IVA_SDK_References.tar which included in the package.
We have documented DeepStream SDK in detail within the file.