No mimicgen data

OpenVLA - NVIDIA Jetson AI Lab
According to the above tutorial, I want to deploy openvla in my agx orin. But when I use the following instruction,
python3 -m mimicgen.generate
–tasks Stack_D4
–episodes 100
–output /data/datasets/mimicgen
–cameras agentview
–camera-width 224
–camera-height 224

an error occurs.

The error seems that it can’t reach the link– But when I open the link in the browser, nothing.
How can I deal with the problem

We support jetson_multimedia_api and gstreamer. Please make sure you have checked the document:
There are some examples in

Q: Is there any example of running RTSP streaming?
Q: Is there an example for running UDP streaming?
Q: I have a USB camera. How can I launch it on AGX Orin?

For further issues, please share a method to replicate the issue through gstreamer command, or either sample. We will set up developer kit and check.


Thank you, but i think that you seem not to understand my question. The link which jetson AI lab provided is not valid


We are checking this issue internally.
Will update the info with you later.


Thank you.


The data has been moved from google drive to the huggingface.


Thank you very much, I have seen it. Another question also happened, Can you help me solve it?
The link is the following
No mujoco210 for arm64 architecture - Jetson & Embedded Systems / Jetson AGX Xavier - NVIDIA Developer Forums