I am trying to use a Jetson Nano 4GB module to power a drone. For this application i need the Jetson Nano to be able to connect to Wi-Fi. This, however, seems to be quite a task to get working.
For starters i have consulted with the following page with a list of supported WiFi modules: https://developer.download.nvidia.com/assets/embedded/secure/jetson/Nano/docs/Jetson_Nano_Supported_Components_List_NV.pdf?nPWYhwxdfsHySAAmi7-oz3lSXgnK1t4Vu93PayY2dcDjqBNxSTj4NGedJvlt62GP0jyxpbm2fYAjXtvGLgeLlcJZ57gkjd7jRqE6oK8Bb1fIzitxpf0HDgZ4bqeCmhM3Lp-9vs9zMB2vhOVU-RNt2k5YcyEXqurIA8A8eL3EfoFauMVcLESpl6LjAiYllRexE3z6&t=eyJscyI6ImdzZW8iLCJsc2QiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvd3d3Lmdvb2dsZS5jb21cLyJ9
And bought myself a Linksys WUSB6300v2 dongle. Since this didn’t work out of the box I went ahead and found some driver installation guides here on the forum, and i have tried the following driver github repos:
None of these worked.
It should be stated as well that i am using the Jetson Nano compute module in a Xavier NX carrier board (as the dev kits are completely impossible to get by and i had the Xavier board lying around) but even though this board comes with a WiFi m.2 module, this doesn’t work either.
I also tried several other USB-WiFi dongles:
Asus USB-AC54 (with rtl8812BU chipset)
Sandberg Micro WiFi USB Dongle (rtl8811CU)
Absolutely nothing works, and having spent more than 10 hours on WiFi problems has not been a fun experience, please help.
I’m not sure what else to include to help you with troubleshooting, but here is a dmesg output:
1.txt (62.3 KB)