nsight plugin parsing problem in eclipse photon


I had been experiencing parsing problem with nsight plugin. I had tested the latest nsight plugin(com.nvidia.cuda.repo-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.zip) from "cuda_9.2.88_396.26_linux

This error after main.cu had been created.
Error shows up immediately after trying to create [b]main.cu[\b]

An internal error occurred during: "C/C++ Indexer".

Error exists on every version of Eclipse.
Need help on this.

Operating System: Linux Ubuntu 18.04
Java Version: openjdk 10.0.2 2018-07-17
Cuda Version: cuda_9.2.88_396.26_linux

Alan Lam

Nsight Eclipse plugins does not currently support Eclipse 4.8 and 4.9.
This will be available in the next CUDA toolkit release.

You need to use Eclipse 4.7(oxygen) release with CUDA 10.0 Nsight Eclipse plugins.

Is the most current CUDA 10 toolkit supporting Eclipse 4.8+ yet?