I want to run an a model (ex: resnet) and profile the performance of the network on CPU/GPU. I see that this can be done using Nsight Systems.
I see that this tool should already be available as a part of Jetpack SDK. I have Jetpack SDK 6.1 installed on my device (Jetson Orion Nano developer kit). I dont see nsys installed on it. How can I install nsys on Jetson Orion Nano. Is this tool supported on Orion Nano? If not can you please suggest any alternatives.
I dont see this tool present at this location on my device: /opt/nvidia/
Builds end-to-end accelerated AI applications and supports edge AI development.
Specifically, the SDK Manager Method described there provides a unified installer that will guide you through the whole process. Only the version of Nsight Systems shipped in JetPack SDK can be used to profile on Jetson devkits, and the version needs to match, for example:
JetPack 5.1.1 — Nsight Systems 2022.5.2.171-3255900
JetPack 5.1 — Nsight Systems 2022.5.2.120-3231674
SDK Manager installs on your host machine. Please refer to their page for more info: