Nsys profile got error on Orin

I am a student new to use Jetson Orin.
And I am following the tutorial: NVIDIA-AI-IOT/jetson_dla_tutorial#step-4—profile-with-nvidia-visual-profiler

After running the nsys profile ... command i got this:

FATAL ERROR: /build/agent/work/323cb361ab84164c/QuadD/Common/GpuTraits/Src/GpuTicksConverter.cpp(376): Throw in function QuadDCommon::TimestampType GpuTraits::GpuTicksConverter::ConvertToCpuTime(const QuadDCommon::Uuid&, uint64_t&) const
Dynamic exception type: boost::wrapexcept<QuadDCommon::NotFoundException>
std::exception::what: NotFoundException
[QuadDCommon::tag_message*] = No GPU associated to the given UUID

How can i fix this?

$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS
Release:        20.04
Codename:       focal
Linux smc-orin-1 5.10.104-tegra #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Aug 10 20:17:07 PDT 2022 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux

$ nsys --version
NVIDIA Nsight Systems version 2022.3.3.18-4d5367b


Have you run the profiler with root?


you are right.

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