NVDewarper not found by gstreamer

After flashing my Jetson TX2 NX and installing Deepstream using Nvidia SDK manager, gstreamer cannot find nvdewarper (however it can find nvvidconv).

gst-inspect-1.0 nvdewarper
No such element or plugin 'nvdewarper'


The plugins are under the deepstream folder in the gstream-1.0 folder, but have been blacklisted by gstreamer.

LDD shows all dependencies are met

And if I clear the cache and try loading the plugin it says “failed to load” without any explanation, even though I am running log level 3.

ERROR     GST_PLUGIN_LOADING gstpluginloader.c:277:plugin_loader_replay_pending: Plugin file /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0/deepstream/libnvdsgst_dewarper.so failed to load. Blacklisting

How do I make it work?


Can you share the full output for gst-inspect after removing the cache?

Also, are any other DeepStream elements being blacklisted? Can you check with gst-inspect-1.0 -b?

I’m in the process of reinstalling deepstream right now but all deepstream gstreamer plugins where blacklisted under gst-inspect-1.0 -b (13 of them if I remember correctly)

Regarding the full gst-inspect, some plugins where complaining about triton but regarding dewarper it only said could not load plugin without any additional information of missing .so file.

If everything from DeepStream is being blacklisted, it seems something similar to this issue:

Can you check if that solution works?

I uninstalled Deepstream and, instead of installing with the SDK manager, I installed it manually using Quickstart Guide — DeepStream 6.0 Release documentation (option 1)

Now gst can find nvinfer and dewarper successfully and the only blacklisted plugins are the ones that are not compatible with my board.

Thank you @miguel.taylor for taking a look.

After rebooting the problem appeared again

Solved by clearing the gstreamer cache and running

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