Nvidia Multimedia Library => what are the lib files?

Hi everyone,

I am planning on using the multimedia api for a project. Since i want to do a manual project setup I am struggling on what lib files actually to use.

The documentation at Jetson Linux API Reference: Main Page | NVIDIA Docs says nothing about which classes are compiled into what libs. I didn’t find any information about that.

I already analyzed the rules.mk in the samples root directory and added all libs mentioned there. That doesn’t seem do do the trick…

Can anybody help me with that?

Thank you!


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Please install tegra_multimedia_api through SDK manager JetPack SDK | NVIDIA Developer

It installs all dependent packages and compiles the samples for you.


thanks for your reply… Yes i already did that, and the samples compile just fine with a simple make.

But as i wrote before, I want to create my own project with NSight, Crosscompile and CMake.

That’s why I want to look “behind the curtain”. I’m curious why this is not made more transparent.

Thank you an best regards,

We do not support cross-compiling tegra_mutlimedia_api samples by default. Other users may work out a solution for cross-compiling and can share you experience.


that’s fine, could you just name the relevant library files for the multimedia api (initial question)?

Thank you!

You may check Makefile of each sample and sort it out by yourself. Most prebuilt libraries are at /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/tegra/