NVIDIA TX1/TX2 Some Unused Interface Pins for Carrrier Board Design


Im using auto power on by generating required signal for CHARGER_PRSTN# instead of waiting for a button press for TX1/TX2 design. Can i leave POWER_BTN#, RESET_IN# pins floating?

I dont use BATLOW#, SLEEP#, CARRIER_STBY#, CHARGING# and i leave them float as mentioned in OEM Design Guide.Is this ok considering that i use CHARGER_PRSTN# for auto power on support.

I dont use FAN function, Modem, Bluetooth, Audio and SD CARD. Furthermore, i use UART0/1_TX and UART0/1 RX pins. CAN i leave the following pins float? OEM design guide’s unused interfaces section doesnt mention these pins.

UART0/1_CTS# (TX and RX pins are used)
UART0/1_RTS# (TX and RX pins are used)

Thanks in advance…

Yes, you can leave them all unconnected, bu pay attention not to change their default pu/pd.

Have the similar question。
I just want to use the UART and ETH of the TX2 .
I don’t use FAN function, Bluetooth, USB,SPI,CAN,I2C,HDMI,Audio,PCIe and SD CARD。CAN i leave all the unused pins float or pullup/down on my own Carrier board.It seems that the OEM design guide is not detailed enough。

In document JetsonTX1_OEM_Product_DesignGuide page 73 Section “Unused Special Interface Pins” says that any PCI(USB 3.0) RX lines should be tied to GND and SATA_RX tied to GND

Our carrier unused interface schematic: [url]Dropbox - File Deleted

Please follow OEM DG to those unused pins design, and for those not mentioned in DG, just leave them unconnected and use default settings in pinmux sheet.

Thx for your patience, I should read the OEM DG carefully。Tow questions more.
1、 I don’t want to use VDD_RTC(the pin of A50),that means i don’t want to connects to Lithium Cell or super capacitor. CAN I connect the VDD_RTC(A50) to the GND or(VCC 1.8V/ VCC3.3V)
2、It’s noted “input 5.5V->7.2A,input 19.6V->2A”(back side of the TX2 module ).I wander to know weather the 7.2A/2A is the surge current(5.5V/19.6V) or not? if not, what is the surge current of the VCC_IN=5.5V and the VCC_IN=19.6V?

Thx for your patience, I should read the OEM DG carefully。Tow questions more.
1、 I don’t want to use VDD_RTC(the pin of A50),that means i don’t want to connects to Lithium Cell or super capacitor. CAN I connect the VDD_RTC(A50) to the GND or(VCC 1.8V/ VCC3.3V)
2、It’s noted “input 5.5V->7.2A,input 19.6V->2A”(back side of the TX2 module ).I wander to know weather the 7.2A/2A is the surge current(5.5V/19.6V) or not? if not, what is the surge current of the VCC_IN=5.5V and the VCC_IN=19.6V?

  1. Just leave VDD_RTC unconnected.
  2. 7.2A/2A is the maximum current to 5.5V/19.6V, which is the threshold monitored by power monitor chip to limit the total power consumption in safe state.

In the “Jetson TX1 and TX2 Developer Kits”UG,It’s said When I use the function of “Force Recovery Mode” or “FLASHING THE BOOT LOADER AND KERNEL”,a USB Micro-B is used for this,Can I use the JTAG of TX2 to do this,intead of a USB Micro-B?

No flash is available under JTAG. This would be useful, micro-B USB in recovery mode is what works. Internally there is actually a version of fastboot being run which understands serial over USB. I have not found a way to reliably use JTAG.