I follow the guide " Cross compiling OpenCV 3.4.0 on PDK - FAQ - NVIDIA Developer Forums ".
After cross-compiling and copy it to PX2 AutoChauffeur, I run the simple opencv program in PX2, which opens the mp4, read and display the frame ( successfully build with cross-compiling opencv ). There is an error of " OpenCV Unable to stop the stream: Inappropriate ioctl for device ".
Hi Quang,
can you verify this bug persists by using PDK 5.0.10.x?
If you provide a minimal sample code for me to compile, I will do some triage on your issue.
- Fabian
Hi Fabian, I found out that the guide " Cross compiling OpenCV 3.4.0 on PDK - FAQ - NVIDIA Developer Forums " only for PDK I’m using PDK It make Opencv does not compile with FFMPEG.
How can we cross-compile opencv with PDK and also with FFMPEG and Gstreamer support. Many Thx
Hi @FabianWeise, is there any news to update about this ?
Hi Quang,
I am on it. Will come back to you as soon as I have a solution and an update for the deprecated article.
- Fabian
Hi Quang,
this works for me, I have just tested it a today.
Following modules from Opencv are cross-compiled:
- [b]core
- imgproc
- imgcodecs[/b]
- Clone the OpenCV github repo
git clone https://github.com/opencv/opencv.git
- Change to opencv directory
cd opencv
- Checkout the 3.4.2 branch
git checkout 3.4.2
- Make a directory for build
mkdir build && cd build
- Configure the cmake
cmake \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$PWD/../platforms/linux/aarch64-gnu.toolchain.cmake \
-DBUILD_LIST=core,improc,imgcodecs \
-DBUILD_opencv_java=OFF \
-DBUILD_opencv_python2=OFF \
-DBUILD_opencv_python3=OFF \
-DWITH_1394=OFF \
- Compile
make -j install
Also check out https://docs.opencv.org/4.0.0/d6/d15/tutorial_building_tegra_cuda.html.
Have fun and let me know if something is still striking.
- Fabian
Hi Fabian, I look at your build step. It look like you dont enable support CUDA for openCV and does not use Toolchain-V5L.cmake. Could I ask why ?
Thx you
This is a general approach for x-compiling on aarch64. For CUDA support set WITH_CUDA=ON plus toolchain and the architecture definitions.
I will come up with a guide for this too.
- Fabian
Hi Quang,
so here is an update for the x-compilation with CUDA support. I think it’s good to have both on this thread now.
- Clone the OpenCV github repo
git clone https://github.com/opencv/opencv.git
- Change to opencv directory
cd opencv
- Checkout the 3.4.0 branch
git checkout 3.4.0
- Make a directory for build
mkdir build && cd build
- Replace out-dated cmake files with files from our DW stack
// Find your DW installation folder, let it be 'usr/local/driveworks' here
cp /usr/local/driveworks/samples/cmake/FindCUDA.cmake ../cmake
cp /usr/local/driveworks/samples/cmake/FindCUDA/* ../cmake/FindCUDA
cp /usr/local/driveworks/samples/cmake/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake ../cmake
cp /usr/local/driveworks/samples/cmake/FindPackageMessage.cmake ../cmake
- Link all of our NPP libraries to the build process of OpenCV by changing l.898 in FindCUDA.cmake (copied in #5) to
set(CUDA_npp_LIBRARY "${CUDA_nppc_LIBRARY};${CUDA_nppial_LIBRARY};${CUDA_nppicc_LIBRARY};${CUDA_nppicom_LIBRARY};${CUDA_nppidei_LIBRARY};${CUDA_nppif_LIBRARY};${CUDA_nppig_LIBRARY};${CUDA_nppim_LIBRARY};${CUDA_nppist_LIBRARY};${CUDA_nppisu_LIBRARY};${CUDA_nppitc_LIBRARY};${CUDA_npps_LIBRARY}")
- Un-comment ll.68-76 in /usr/local/driveworks/samples/cmake/Toolchain-V5L.cmake, so it does not print our the current SDK/PDK version on the terminal. The VIBRANTE_PDK variable is just not compatible for entering a path in a later step. So then you have:
# determine target device and pdk branch
# if(${VIBRANTE_PDK} MATCHES "(vibrante|drive)-(t.+)-linux$")
# set(VIBRANTE_PDK_DEVICE ${CMAKE_MATCH_2} CACHE STRING "Cross-compilation target device")
# else()
# message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't determine target device for PDK: ${VIBRANTE_PDK}")
# endif()
- Turn off all modules which are not supported from OpenCV side for x-compiling or give warnings that there might be issues if so. In order to do so call
CC=gcc-4.9 CXX=g++-4.9 cmake \
-DCUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/cuda-9.2 \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/usr/local/driveworks/samples/cmake/Toolchain-V5L.cmake \
-DVIBRANTE_PDK:STRING=/home/fweise/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE/Linux/ \
-DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=/home/fweise/opencv/opencv_contrib/modules/ \
-DBUILD_opencv_java=OFF \
-DBUILD_opencv_python2=OFF \
-DBUILD_opencv_python3=OFF \
-DBUILD_opencv_videoio=OFF \
-DBUILD_opencv_cudaimgproc=OFF \
-DBUILD_opencv_highgui=OFF \
-DBUILD_opencv_freetype=OFF \
-DWITH_1394=OFF \
- Finally, call
make -j && make install
- Done, that’s it.
Let me know if it works or if I missed a thing. I will also talk with the OpenCV guys and commit to their code or doc base for public availability.
Have fun!
- Fabian