OpenCV with GMSL Cameras


I’ve been attempting to compile OpenCV for the DRIVE PX2 Autochauffeur to use with GMSL cameras. I have already tried following some of the guides ([url][/url]) for older versions of the PDK linked on this forum to no avail (I originally tried with OpenCV4 and then attempted this with 3.4.0). I’m using DRIVE OS 5.0.10 and am getting errors during compilation. Should the instructions for 5.0.5 still work? Also, it seems like I am supposed to be using a host for compilation and then install this compiled version on the target (Couldn’t quite tell from the linked guide)? Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Hi maxe2470,

Please move to use the latest PDK, you may also refer to refer to below topic for compilation issue: [url][/url]



I write a sample code in driveworks-0.6 which includes OpenCV libs and I did the cross-compile.

But I face some errors just like [url][/url] mentioned.

It said that include location “/usr/include/opencv” is unsafe for cross-compilation.

So I refered [url][/url] but I don’t very understand this reference has something to do with what I want to do.

My target is to use driveworks’ API to fetch GMSL frame and do something with OpenCV’s API so I include OpenCV’s libs but it failed to cross-compile.

Can someone give me a hint?