OptiX advanced samples on github

I’m happy to announce that new OptiX 7 advanced samples have gone live here:


The first two examples, intro_runtime and intro_driver, both port the seventh introduction example from the OptiX 5/6 API to the OptiX 7 API, using the CUDA Runtime API resp. the CUDA Driver API.

The intro_denoiser example adds the OptiX 7 HDR DL denoiser on top, with RGB, RGB+Albedo or RGB+Albedo+Normal buffers in either float4 or half4 buffer formats controlled via a compile time option.
It’s effectively matching the optixIntro_10 advanced sample, except for the motion blur and added normal buffer support.

The rtigo3 example is demonstrating different strategies for multi-GPU rendering distribution, where all GPUs work on the same frame, combined with different OpenGL interop methods. Of course it also works with single-GPU for comparisons.
Its mode of operation and scene layout is controlled by two simple text files. The rendering resolution is independent of the window size. It also contains code to load triangle mesh data from any file format supported by the ASSIMP library.

Please read the README.md and system_*.txt and scene_*.txt files inside the repository for more information.

For more introductory examples using the OptiX 7 API, please refer to the OptiX 7 SIGGRAPH course examples first: