Help for confg CMAKE with OPTIX 7.0

Note that the OptiX Advanced Samples are built against OptiX 5.1.0 and while they still run with OptiX 6.5.0, they do not make use of the built-in triangle intersection on RTX boards.
They won’t work with OptiX 7.0.0 at all because that changed to a completely different API.

Instead please have a look into the last post of this sticky thread which contains a link to OptiX 7.0.0 based ports of some of the OptiX introduction examples:

They come with *.cmake scripts inside the 3rdparty/CMake folder to resolve these include directory and link library locations automatically when following the 3rdparty build setup descriptions inside the readme.
The three 64-bit DLLs need to be copied into the executable’s target directory.
The necessary steps are explained inside the there.