PBR material displacement map?

I try to bring in to Omniverse this PBR material:

So far the results are quite bad:

I created a standard PBR material, and dragged in all those maps to correct slots:

But these is no place to displacement map. Are you still working on it?

Then from the DOCS I fount this:
UsdPreviewSurface / Displacement = Shifts the rendered surface by the displacement amount.

But when I crate a new UsdPreviewSurface material, I do not get any slots to drag in those texture maps…

How could I bring in this nice displaced PBR material to Omniverse?


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We dont support displacement yet, its on our roadmap.

+500 for displacement

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It is a must to have for me at least.

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Thanks @utilisateur3899 I’ve noted your favor for PBR Displacement Map support! You can see our Public Roadmap which will list all the things we are working on for the next release!

Thank you,

BTW; there is not much tutorial about those topic in the web, do you have more info about Omniverse and displacement and more…

We hope to migrate our pipeline from Maya to Omniverse also for the render and render farm! We are already very efficient and we need to make sure we are trusting the switch.

Here are our interest field for now ;

  • Displacement map
  • Volume VDB
  • Hair
  • Intensive instances (eg: forest full dressed)
  • Heavy geo like water flood (billions polygons and particles)
  • Particles
  • Shading compatibility between Maya and Omniverse (noise, math node etc)


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Hello @utilisateur3899! So happy to hear that you are using Omniverse! We are a team of creators so everything you have listed is either in development or available!

  • Displacement Map - Under Development
  • Volume VDB - VDB
  • Hair - Under Development
  • Intensive instances - See Dev reply
  • Heavy Geo - See Dev Reply
  • Particles - Particles
  • Shading between Maya / Omniverse - Mayer Shaders

Dev Reply:
YES! Omniverse supports large amount of instanced geometry, we have rendered billions of polygons.

For large simulations like fluids , smoke and particles we support OpenVDB/NanoVDB as well as point clouds. We don’t have a fluid simulator released at this time but you can import fluid sims as particles

(for Reference Internal Ticket for Displacement Map support OM-8563)

Any news about displacement?

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Displacement is not available currently in RTX

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