Pca953x failed writing register

pca953x failed writing register
How do I solve the problem?

What has been done on your devce?
Which JetPack version?
Devkit or with custom carrier board?
Any logs?

agx xavier,
I used user manual 13.Getting started.

I installed ubunto but when i made id,password, and click continue ,it didn’t work
. I powered on and it gave me error code and stay black image.

hello ykcar119,

this is customer carrier board, please double check you’ve flash the correct image to the target, especially the cfg file, it should change the pinmux configuration applied by the software.

hello ykcar119,

please gather the logs as text file instead of snapshots.
according to that, I can barely tell there’re lots i2c no ack failures, which due to the regulator settings.

back to my previous comments,
did you flash the correct image to the target? you must have pinmux configuration applied by the software to adapt this carrier board.

yes i did. the correct image.
and i can’t gather the txt file because i could see only monitor.
what is pinmux configuration?

I retried a other way using SDK manager.
But, it happened.

hello ykcar119,

wait… you cannot flash a native Jetpack release image to this custom carrier board, please have pinmux changes by the software to adapt this carrier board.

that SDKManager error is due to your local host machine environment setup,
I assume you could repo the same failure by $ sudo apt update, please resolve this first. for example, you may review /etc/apt/sources.list, please disable some unnecessary repo for confirmation.

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