PCIe simulation and validation

We found that the “DA-11107-001_V1.1” document only define the eye mask for PCIe TX. RX is the insertion loss.
But after confirm the association’s “PCIe base spec ver.6.0.1” document. It’s eye mask define for PCIe RX.
Which definition is correct?

Thank you~

Which doc do you mean? What’s the link of the “DA-11107-001_V1.1”? Can you share more info when ask a question?

We received the SI App Note linker as below for Jetson AGX Orin Series.
Find the “PCIe Emulation and Verification” in page 13 of “DA-11107-001_V1.1” document. It only defines the eye mask for PCIe TX. (RX just insertion loss.)
But after confirm the association’s “PCIe base spec ver.6.0.1” document. It’s eye mask define for PCIe RX.

We want to confirm which definition is correct?

Thank you~

Hi~ Do you have any updated for this questions?
By the way, we downloaded the IBIS file from https://developer.nvidia.com/downloads/jetson-agx-orin-da-11107-001v11.
However, the compressed file does not include the Rx AMI file, which leads to simulation issues.

Could you please help provide for me? Thanks~

As said in guide: For PCIe RX validation, checking the frequency domain for channel loss is sufficient. Customers are recommended to keep RX routing the same as TX routing.

The PCIe RX IBIS model is available in:
/UPHY/ t234_uphy_rx.ibs (in UPHY folder)

RX uses only IBIS (non-AMI) model without the Equalizer (EQ) function.

Hi~ We attempted to interface the Tx and Rx models in the ADS tool. However, it shows that the Rx model lacks an AMI model and cannot be executed.
Is there any method to execute it properly?

Hope someone has such experience can be shared. But for RX SI test, above info in guide is what we can provide.

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