Tried with SDK manager, the host system had ubuntu 22.04 which it din re-flash because it expected the host machine should be of 18.04 version.
Tried flashing using manual, stuck in 7 point to set the system into recovery mode via BMC, the password used while SSH igx is incorrect, We are getting permission denied though we are using default password - 0penBmc
This is what happening, holopack is not enabled.
It says only available for 18.04 and 20.04 and not available for 22.04.
Can you suggest the work around for this…
We tried by converting the host system to 18.04 OS. Here also we need to set the system to recovery mode, and we need bmc password, which is a blocker for us.
We tried all passwords but still not able to figure out.
Please help us in resolving this