There is no problem compiling the examples using pgcc
However, when compiling any c++ code, such as for instance the examples in OpenACC/SDK, with pgc++, the following errors always prevent the compilation:
“/usr/include/Availability.h”, line 225: error: function call is not allowed
in a constant expression
#if __has_attribute(availability)
“/usr/include/Availability.h”, line 247: error: function call is not allowed
in a constant expression
#if __has_attribute(availability)
I set up my environment through the following environment file:
proc ModulesHelp { } {
puts stderr “”
module-whatis “PGI”
set PGI /opt/pgi
set topdir $PGI/osx86-64/15.10
setenv PGI /opt/pgi
setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE $PGI/license.dat
setenv CC $topdir/bin/pgcc
setenv GCC $topdir/bin/pgcc
setenv CXX $topdir/bin/pgc++ # pgcpp
prepend-path PATH $topdir/include
prepend-path PATH $topdir/include/CC
prepend-path PATH $topdir/bin
prepend-path MANPATH $topdir/man
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH $topdir/lib
What am I doing wrong?