Now I’ve read the whole documentation about skeletons etc. and I’m more confused than before now :-)
At first I’ve tested the sample from the usd documentation “Skinning an Arm” ( Universal Scene Description: Schema Intro By Example ( ).
That works fine…
When using this script…
from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom
import omni.usdstage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(“/Model”)
boundable = UsdGeom.Boundable(prim)print(boundable.ComputeLocalBound(0, “default”))
print(boundable.ComputeLocalBound(10, “default”))
print(boundable.ComputeLocalBound(20, “default”))
print(boundable.ComputeLocalBound(30, “default”))
print(boundable.ComputeLocalBound(40, “default”))
print(boundable.ComputeLocalBound(50, “default”))
print(boundable.ComputeLocalBound(60, “default”))
print(boundable.ComputeLocalBound(70, “default”))
print(boundable.ComputeLocalBound(80, “default”))
…the result is exactly what one would expect… 10 different bound for 10 different times:
Then I’ve changed my geometry as far as possible to match that arm sample… I even have rounded values to get rid of exponential format (I had several problems in the past with that)… I even renamed the prims and bones to match the sample. But with no luck…
Executing the exakt same script on my geometry, results in this:
…ten times the same bounds and event that bound is wrong (y- and z- values of min and max are nearly identical).
Here are my usda-files: (62.5 KB)
What am I not seeing here? What is the problem… can anybody help?