Powder Simulation in Isaac Orbit using Isaac Sim 2022.2.0

Hi, I’m currently looking into simulating powder weighting and with orbit and have been looking into introducing powder using the Particle System. We are looking at particles of diameters smaller than 1mm . To do so I’ve set the solidRestOffset = radius ( solidRestOffset=0.001) of the particles and computed the rest of the offsets using the formulas found here: Particle Simulation — Omniverse Extensions latest documentation. The code for computing the offsets looks like this:

self.solidRestOffset = self.cfg.particleDiameter/2
self.restOffset = self.solidRestOffset
self.fluidRestOffset = 0.6 * self.solidRestOffset    
self.particleContactOffset = self.solidRestOffset 

The issue is that when the particles become smaller than 1cm diameter they behave very erratically being in constant movement. increasing the ratio between the solidRestOffset and the Particle ContactOffset (self.particleContactOffset = self.solidRestOffset*1.5) seems to somehow dampen the effect but it’s still there. Do you have any advice about what is going wrong here?