nvidia states that only 5 volts needed in barrell plug …does 5.5 volts work ? or it harms the kit ? I think that only 0.5 difference won’t make any problems but I want to make sure first
does exeeding the ratings with small difference +.25 volt do problems …I thought when using 6V or 7 V can make big problems …I am just considering all conditions before performing any action may harm the kit
please clarify this on https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/learn/get-started-jetson-nano-devkit#prepare …as adapter with 5.25 volt won’t deliver it basicaly can deliver 5.25+.1 volt …an image with 5.25 v is quite misleading …and please provide the data sheet in the get started tutorial …you are making it quite overwhelming and misleading in the get started tutorial
4.75v ~ 5.25v is the voltage range request on board, which means no matter what the output voltage of adapter is, it should guarantee the voltage on board is in the range.