Projected Lead-Time, and Availability Concerns


I was wondering if anyone at Nvidia could share some insight regarding the projected availability of the AGX Orin.

It’s nearly impossible to get the AGX Xavier right now, so its easy to assume that when the Orin launches, it will be impossible to obtain as well. If i wanted to purchase a single AGX Xavier right now, and have it here by next month, it would cost roughly $2,899 USD, and at that price, it makes sense to move away from the Jetson platform all together and simply use the T4.

If the supply chain issues continue to go unresolved, and nvidia continues to leave the dev community in the dark, then I’m concerned that developing software/hardware for either model is a futile effort.

So, will there be significant availability issues with the AGX Orin, like their currently is with the AGX Xavier ?


Hi rsc44,

Our team is doing the well preperation for Orin now, but you know the situation of component shortage is tough, they’re doing their best to avoid this issue happened.

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From context of your question, I think you are asking specifically about developer kits for Jetson AGX Orin and Jetson AGX Xavier.

For Jetson AGX Orin, we are certainly planning to have the channel fully stocked with developer kits when we announce availability. Regarding Jetson AGX Xavier, we’ll have good new to share later this month.

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