I’m posting this to help, as others helped me to get my problems solved.
If you’d like to re-use and help yourself, please do not forget to give credits to the links below.
These are the original solutions and people who have brought them who should be thanked.
Ok, so now I have Qt5.8.1 and QtCreator4.2 running on my TX1.
This is what I had to do to get this done. The process is quite heavy and not for beginners.
If you don’t need the latest version of Qt / QtCreator, simply follow the very simple instructions here: Install Qt Creator on NVIDIA Jetson TX1 - JetsonHacks
You will then get Qt5.5 and QtCreator3.5 in just a bunch of minutes, and these versions are already great!
So now for the latest versions.
First, follow these instructions to install Qt: Building Qt 5 from Git - Qt Wiki
Be very careful on the needed libs to be installed first.
Lots of sudo apt-get
Before building Qt, select the last version through checkout
I encourage to keep the ./configure options exactly as presented, and not add the QtWeb libs into the mix.
As stated on the wiki, these libs are sources of compilation crashes.
Just before the make you should also replace libGL.so in /usr/lib by a link to /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/tegra/libGL.so
The non-tegra lib will create a problem during one of the forthcoming make
So now you should have Qt5.8.1 compiled.
You could install an older version of QtCreator by a simple sudo apt-get
Look at Install Qt Creator on NVIDIA Jetson TX1 - JetsonHacks to get the precise instructions.
However, you would then have the latest version of Qt, but not QtCreator. Which is not great.
So let’s move to QtCreator: Building Qt Creator from Git - Qt Wiki
Here are the real problems.
QtCreator has been developed under Qt. So you need to qmake QtCreator and then make it.
But you can’t use any version of qmake so be certain you are using your newly installed Qt5.8.1
Use qtchooser to do this.
It’s not finished, and here is the hardest part.
You need to go into QtCreator source files, to Botan
The botan.cpp and botan.h cannot work under an ARM64 architecture.
You have to mod these files following https://codereview.qt-project.org/79828
In addition, there is a link to cpuid.h in botan.cpp … but cpuid.h does not exist under ARM64. So you should mod the code to restrict link to X86 architectures.
Now you can qmake then make and make install
If you’re there, then you know how to set-up QtCreator to use the relevant qmake
Keep me posted about your success.
I have no time right now to post more user-friendly or step-by-step instructions.
Qt5.9 should simplify the whole thing with direct cross-compilation for the TX1.
Happy coding everyone!