Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera 2020 and Jetson Nano

Are their drivers openly available? But even if you have them, some modifications may be required, e.g. to the number of MIPI lanes used (RPi HQ cam only has 2 out of 4 routed). Also, not sure if other boards do not have some additional controllers that the driver might talk to instead of directly to sensor.

Just received it today, doesn’t work
 Someone else got it to do something? Or is it just nog compatible with the jeston nano

Any idea if support from Nvidia is in the works?

I wouldn’t expect it to work. Drivers have to be written. I ordered mine because I also have a bunch of Pi’s.

The only drivers I know of offhand are those by RidgeRun:

But they’re closed source and extremely expensive. You’ll likely have to wait until somebody in the community writes something. I read on a thread somewhere that support is coming to the libcamera library.


It might be nice if Nvidia started using libcamera as well if possible.

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My Rapberry Pi High Quality Camera arrived today. I was hot to use it with my Nano. I was sure (never be sure) that there were drivers.

Can somebody point me to some code that will will work?


You can read about the driver that we are creating here: Raspberry Pi HQ Camera Compatibility - #7 by DavidSoto-RidgeRun

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Hey, so if anybody wants a temporary solution for High Quality Camera video to a gstreamer pipeline, you can use a pi to stream to the nano.

On a raspberry pi (a Zero is plenty since this uses it’s video encoder hardware for all the work):

raspivid -l -t 0 -o tcp://

on the tegra device (or anything that supports gstreamer):

gst-launch-1.0 -v tcpclientsrc host=pi-hostname-here port=1234 ! decodebin ! autovideosink sync=false

If you want the pi to run raspivid every startup, first create a user for the task:

sudo adduser --system --ingroup video --no-create-home --disabled-password --disabled-login cameraman

Then make a file called /etc/systemd/system/raspivid.service (eg. using sudo touch) and add these contents:

Description=Raspicam On %I

ExecStart=/usr/bin/raspivid -l -t 0 -o tcp://


Then you can systemctl start raspivid to start the service once in the background or to enable it every startup: systemctl enable raspivid. Add additional raspivid arguments to the ExecStart line as desired.

note: Only one device can connect to raspivid at a time. Not sure if there is an option to increase the connection limit or not.

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A fast question, has this camera auto exposure, auto iris or any way to control the captured light level?
I have it, and it won’t adapt the illumination to a any condition change. I must be loosing something because I cannot imagine a possible use for video.