Rebooting TX2?

Hi Guys,

Do you know what could cause this rebooting all the time? (from a freshly flashed jetson)
I have made a mistake in pinmux or something else?

[0000.186] I> Welcome to MB2(TBoot-BPMP)(version: 01.00.160913-t186-M-00.00-mobile-7d3edb9d)
[0000.195] I> bit @ 0xd480000
[0000.198] I> Boot-device: eMMC
[0000.205] I> sdmmc bdev is already initialized
[0000.210] I> pmic: reset reason (nverc) : 0x0
[0000.241] I> Found 18 partitions in SDMMC_BOOT (instance 3)
[0000.260] I> Found 33 partitions in SDMMC_USER (instance 3)
[0000.266] W> No valid slot number is found in scratch register
[0000.272] W> Return default slot: _a
[0000.275] I> A/B: bin_type (16) slot 0
[0000.279] I> Loading partition bpmp-fw at 0xd7800000
[0000.283] I> Reading two headers - addr:0xd7800000 blocks:1
[0000.289] I> Addr: 0xd7800000, start-block: 58777608, num_blocks: 1
[0000.314] I> Binary(16) of size 533504 is loaded @ 0xd7800000
[0000.319] W> No valid slot number is found in scratch register
[0000.325] W> Return default slot: _a
[0000.329] I> A/B: bin_type (17) slot 0
[0000.332] I> Loading partition bpmp-fw-dtb at 0xd79f0000
[0000.337] I> Reading two headers - addr:0xd79f0000 blocks:1
[0000.343] I> Addr: 0xd79f0000, start-block: 58780024, num_blocks: 1
[0000.366] I> Binary(17) of size 465840 is loaded @ 0xd798e200
[0000.544] I> Loading SCE-FW …
[0000.547] W> No valid slot number is found in scratch register
[0000.553] W> Return default slot: _a
[0000.556] I> A/B: bin_type (12) slot 0
[0000.560] I> Loading partition sce-fw at 0xd7300000
[0000.565] I> Reading two headers - addr:0xd7300000 blocks:1
[0000.570] I> Addr: 0xd7300000, start-block: 58784120, num_blocks: 1
[0000.589] I> Binary(12) of size 125168 is loaded @ 0xd7300000
[0000.595] I> Init SCE
[0000.597] I> Loading APE-FW …
[0000.600] W> No valid slot number is found in scratch register
[0000.606] W> Return default slot: _a
[0000.609] I> A/B: bin_type (11) slot 0
[0000.613] I> Loading partition adsp-fw at 0xd7400000
[0000.618] I> Reading two headers - addr:0xd7400000 blocks:1
[0000.623] I> Addr: 0xd7400000, start-block: 58761224, num_blocks: 1
[0000.642] I> Binary(11) of size 107808 is loaded @ 0xd7400000
[0000.648] I> Copy BTCM section
[0000.651] W> No valid slot number is found in scratch register
[0000.657] W> Return default slot: _a
[0000.660] I> A/B: bin_type (13) slot 0
[0000.664] I> Loading partition cpu-bootloader at 0x96000000
[0000.669] I> Reading two headers - addr:0x96000000 blocks:1
[0000.675] I> Addr: 0x96000000, start-block: 58740744, num_blocks: 1
[0000.696] I> Binary(13) of size 283728 is loaded @ 0x96000000
[0000.701] W> No valid slot number is found in scratch register
[0000.707] W> Return default slot: _a
[0000.710] I> A/B: bin_type (20) slot 0
[0000.714] I> Loading partition bootloader-dtb at 0x8520f400
[0000.719] I> Reading two headers - addr:0x8520f400 blocks:1
[0000.725] I> Addr: 0x8520f400, start-block: 58742792, num_blocks: 1
[0000.745] I> Binary(20) of size 264480 is loaded @ 0x8520f400
[0000.751] W> No valid slot number is found in scratch register
[0000.757] W> Return default slot: _a
[0000.760] I> A/B: bin_type (14) slot 0
[0000.764] I> Loading partition secure-os at 0x8530f600
[0000.769] I> Reading two headers - addr:0x8530f600 blocks:1
[0000.774] I> Addr: 0x8530f600, start-block: 58744840, num_blocks: 1
[0000.795] I> Binary(14) of size 312752 is loaded @ 0x8530f600
[0000.803] I> TOS boot-params @ 0x85000000
[0000.807] I> TOS params prepared
[0000.810] I> Loading EKS …
[0000.813] I> A/B: bin_type (15) slot 0
[0000.816] I> Loading partition eks at 0x8590f800
[0000.821] I> Reading two headers - addr:0x8590f800 blocks:1
[0000.826] I> Addr: 0x8590f800, start-block: 58757128, num_blocks: 1
[0000.845] I> Binary(15) of size 1040 is loaded @ 0x8590f800
[0000.850] I> EKB detected (length: 0x400) @ 0x8590f800
[0000.856] I> Copied encrypted keys
[0000.859] I> boot profiler @ 0x275844000
[0000.863] I> boot profiler for TOS @ 0x275844000
[0000.868] I> Unhalting SCE
[0000.871] I> Primary Memory Start:80000000 Size:70000000
[0000.876] I> Extended Memory Start:f0110000 Size:1856f0000
[0000.882] I> MB2(TBoot-BPMP) done

NOTICE: BL31: v1.3(release):23b153a63
NOTICE: BL31: Built : 22:43:09, Dec 9 2019
ipc-unittest-main: 1519: Welcome to IPC unittest!!!
ipc-unittest-main: 1531: waiting forever
ipc-unittest-srv: 329: Init unittest services!!!
keystore-demo: 141: Hello world from keystore-demo app
keystore-demo: 207: main: EKB contents match expected value
exit called, thread 0xffffffffea87ad58, name trusty_app_2_7d18fc60-e9fc-11e8
platform_bootstrap_epilog: trusty bootstrap complete
[0001.243] I> Welcome to Cboot
[0001.246] I> Cboot Version: t186-c3c778fb
[0001.250] I> CPU-BL Params @ 0x275800000
[0001.254] I> 0) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.258] I> 1) Base:0x277f00000 Size:0x00100000
[0001.263] I> 2) Base:0x277e00000 Size:0x00100000
[0001.267] I> 3) Base:0x277d00000 Size:0x00100000
[0001.272] I> 4) Base:0x277c00000 Size:0x00100000
[0001.276] I> 5) Base:0x277b00000 Size:0x00100000
[0001.281] I> 6) Base:0x277800000 Size:0x00200000
[0001.285] I> 7) Base:0x277400000 Size:0x00400000
[0001.290] I> 8) Base:0x277a00000 Size:0x00100000
[0001.294] I> 9) Base:0x277300000 Size:0x00100000
[0001.299] I> 10) Base:0x276800000 Size:0x00800000
[0001.303] I> 11) Base:0x30000000 Size:0x00040000
[0001.308] I> 12) Base:0xf0000000 Size:0x00100000
[0001.312] I> 13) Base:0x30040000 Size:0x00001000
[0001.317] I> 14) Base:0x30048000 Size:0x00001000
[0001.321] I> 15) Base:0x30049000 Size:0x00001000
[0001.325] I> 16) Base:0x3004a000 Size:0x00001000
[0001.330] I> 17) Base:0x3004b000 Size:0x00001000
[0001.334] I> 18) Base:0x3004c000 Size:0x00001000
[0001.339] I> 19) Base:0x3004d000 Size:0x00001000
[0001.343] I> 20) Base:0x3004e000 Size:0x00001000
[0001.348] I> 21) Base:0x3004f000 Size:0x00001000
[0001.352] I> 22) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.356] I> 23) Base:0xf0100000 Size:0x00010000
[0001.361] I> 24) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.365] I> 25) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.370] I> 26) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.374] I> 27) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.379] I> 28) Base:0x84400000 Size:0x00400000
[0001.383] I> 29) Base:0x30000000 Size:0x00010000
[0001.387] I> 30) Base:0x278000000 Size:0x08000000
[0001.392] I> 31) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.396] I> 32) Base:0x276000000 Size:0x00600000
[0001.401] I> 33) Base:0x80000000 Size:0x70000000
[0001.405] I> 34) Base:0xf0110000 Size:0x1856f0000
[0001.410] I> 35) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.414] I> 36) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.419] I> 37) Base:0x2772e0000 Size:0x00020000
[0001.423] I> 38) Base:0x84000000 Size:0x00400000
[0001.428] I> 39) Base:0x96000000 Size:0x02000000
[0001.432] I> 40) Base:0x85000000 Size:0x01200000
[0001.437] I> 41) Base:0x275800000 Size:0x00500000
[0001.441] I> 42) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.446] I> 43) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.450] GIC-SPI Target CPU: 4
[0001.453] Interrupts Init done
[0001.456] calling constructors
[0001.460] initializing heap
[0001.462] initializing threads
[0001.465] initializing timers
[0001.469] creating bootstrap completion thread
[0001.473] top of bootstrap2()
[0001.476] CPU: ARM Cortex A57
[0001.480] CPU: MIDR: 0x411FD073, MPIDR: 0x80000100
[0001.485] initializing platform
[0001.488] I> Bl_dtb @0x8520f400
[0001.491] I> gpio framework initialized
[0001.496] I> tegrabl_gpio_driver_register: register ‘nvidia,tegra186-gpio’ driver
[0001.505] I> tegrabl_gpio_driver_register: register ‘nvidia,tegra186-gpio-aon’ driver
[0001.513] I> GPIO framework and drivers are initialized.
[0001.518] I> Boot-device: eMMC
[0001.525] I> sdmmc bdev is already initialized
[0001.556] I> Found 18 partitions in SDMMC_BOOT (instance 3)
[0001.573] I> Found 33 partitions in SDMMC_USER (instance 3)
[0001.578] W> opt-in fuse is not set, skip fuse_burning
[0001.583] I> Reserved memory at 0xfbe00000 for U-Boot relocation
[0001.589] W> No valid slot number is found in scratch register
[0001.595] W> Return default slot: _a
[0001.598] I> A/B: bin_type (21) slot 0
[0001.602] I> Loading partition kernel-dtb at 0x80000000 from device(0x1)
[0001.619] I> Kernel_dtb @0x80000000
[0001.622] I> tegrabl_tca9539_init: i2c bus: 0, slave addr: 0xee
[0001.631] E> fetch_driver_phandle_from_dt: failed to get node with compatible ti,tca9539
[0001.641] E> fetch_driver_phandle_from_dt: failed to get node with compatible nxp,tca9539
[0001.649] W> tegrabl_tca9539_init: failed to fetch phandle from dt
[0001.655] I> tegrabl_tca9539_init: i2c bus: 0, slave addr: 0xe8
[0001.664] E> fetch_driver_phandle_from_dt: failed to get node with compatible ti,tca9539
[0001.674] E> fetch_driver_phandle_from_dt: failed to get node with compatible nxp,tca9539
[0001.682] W> tegrabl_tca9539_init: failed to fetch phandle from dt
[0001.690] I> fixed regulator driver initialized
[0001.716] I> register ‘maxim’ power off handle
[0001.721] I> virtual i2c enabled
[0001.724] I> registered ‘maxim,max77620’ pmic
[0001.728] I> tegrabl_gpio_driver_register: register ‘max77620-gpio’ driver
[0001.738] I> Find /i2c@c250000’s alias i2c7
[0001.742] I> Reading eeprom i2c=7 address=0x50
[0001.772] I> Device at /i2c@c250000:0x50
[0001.775] I> Reading eeprom i2c=7 address=0x57
[0001.780] E> I2C: slave not found in slaves.
[0001.784] E> I2C: Could not write 0 bytes to slave: 0x00ae with repeat start true.
[0001.792] E> I2C_DEV: Failed to send register address 0x00000000.
[0001.797] E> I2C_DEV: Could not read 256 registers of size 1 from slave 0xae at 0x00000000 via instance 7.
[0001.807] E> eeprom: Failed to read I2C slave device
[0001.812] I> Eeprom read failed 0x3526070d
[0001.816] I> Find /i2c@c240000’s alias i2c1
[0001.820] I> Reading eeprom i2c=1 address=0x51
[0001.825] E> I2C: slave not found in slaves.
[0001.830] E> I2C: Could not write 0 bytes to slave: 0x00a2 with repeat start true.
[0001.837] E> I2C_DEV: Failed to send register address 0x00000000.
[0001.843] E> I2C_DEV: Could not read 256 registers of size 1 from slave 0xa2 at 0x00000000 via instance 1.
[0001.853] E> eeprom: Retry to read I2C slave device.
[0001.858] E> I2C: slave not found in slaves.
[0001.862] E> I2C: Could not write 0 bytes to slave: 0x00a2 with repeat start true.
[0001.869] E> I2C_DEV: Failed to send register address 0x00000000.
[0001.875] E> I2C_DEV: Could not read 256 registers of size 1 from slave 0xa2 at 0x00000000 via instance 1.
[0001.885] E> eeprom: Failed to read I2C slave device
[0001.889] I> Eeprom read failed 0x3526070d
[0001.894] I> Find /i2c@3160000’s alias i2c0
[0001.898] I> Reading eeprom i2c=0 address=0x50
[0001.903] E> I2C: slave not found in slaves.
[0001.907] E> I2C: Could not write 0 bytes to slave: 0x00a0 with repeat start true.
[0001.915] E> I2C_DEV: Failed to send register address 0x00000000.
[0001.921] E> I2C_DEV: Could not read 256 registers of size 1 from slave 0xa0 at 0x00000000 via instance 0.
[0001.930] E> eeprom: Failed to read I2C slave device
[0001.935] I> Eeprom read failed 0x3526070d
[0001.940] I> Find /i2c@3180000’s alias i2c2
[0001.944] I> Reading eeprom i2c=2 address=0x54
[0001.948] I> Enabling gpio chip_id = 2, gpio pin = 9
[0001.953] C> GPIO driver for chip_id 0x2 could not be found
[0001.958] E> cam_eeprom_read: Can’t get gpio driver
[0001.963] I> Eeprom read failed 0x4d4d000d
[0001.967] I> Reading eeprom i2c=2 address=0x57
[0001.971] I> Enabling gpio chip_id = 2, gpio pin = 9
[0001.976] C> GPIO driver for chip_id 0x2 could not be found
[0001.981] E> cam_eeprom_read: Can’t get gpio driver
[0001.986] I> Eeprom read failed 0x4d4d000d
[0001.990] I> create_pm_ids: id: 3310-1000-D00-E, len: 15
[0001.995] I> config: mem-type:00,power-config:00,misc-config:00,modem-config:00,touch-config:00,display-config:00, len: 93
[0002.020] E> could not find regulator
[0002.023] E> tegrabl_display_get_pdata, failed to parse dtb settings
[0002.031] E> cannot find any other nvdisp nodes
[0002.036] E> no valid display unit config found in dtb
[0002.041] W> display init failed
[0002.044] initializing target
[0002.047] calling apps_init()
[0002.051] starting app kernel_boot_app
[0002.073] I> found decompressor handler: lz4-legacy
[0002.078] I> decompressing BMP blob …
[0002.088] I> Kernel type = Normal
[0002.091] I> Loading partition kernel-bootctrl at 0xa8000000 from device(0x1)
[0002.106] W> tegrabl_get_kernel_bootctrl: magic number(0x00000000) is invalid
[0002.113] W> tegrabl_get_kernel_bootctrl: use default dummy boot control data
[0002.119] I> ########## Fixed storage boot ##########
[0002.124] I> Loading kernel from partition …
[0002.129] W> No valid slot number is found in scratch register
[0002.134] W> Return default slot: _a
[0002.138] I> A/B: bin_type (24) slot 0
[0002.153] I> Boot image size read from image header: f2f08
[0002.159] I> Boot image load address: 0x0x80400000
[0002.163] I> Loading partition kernel at 0x80400000 from device(0x1)
[0003.106] I> Validate kernel …
[0003.109] I> T18x: Authenticate kernel (bin_type 24), max size 0x4000000
[0003.116] I> kernel-dtb is already loaded
[0003.120] I> Validate kernel-dtb …
[0003.123] I> T18x: Authenticate kernel-dtb (bin_type 21), max size 0x100000
[0003.131] I> Checking boot.img header magic … [0003.135] I> [OK]
[0003.137] I> Kernel hdr @0x80400000
[0003.140] I> Kernel dtb @0x80000000
[0003.143] I> decompressor handler not found
[0003.147] I> Copying kernel image (477882 bytes) from 0x80400800 to 0x80800000 … [0003.155] I> Done
[0003.157] I> Move ramdisk (len: 0) from 0x80475800 to 0x94830000
[0003.164] I> Updated bpmp info to DTB
[0003.169] I> Ramdisk: Base: 0x94830000; Size: 0x0
[0003.173] I> Updated initrd info to DTB
[0003.177] W> WARN: Fail to override “console=none” in commandline
[0003.183] E> tegrabl_linuxboot_add_disp_param, du 0 failed to get display params
[0003.190] E> tegrabl_linuxboot_add_disp_param, du 0 failed to get display params
[0003.197] E> tegrabl_linuxboot_add_disp_param, du 0 failed to get display params
[0003.204] I> disabled_core_mask: 0xffffff0c
[0003.208] W> No valid slot number is found in scratch register
[0003.214] W> Return default slot: _a
[0003.217] I> Active slot suffix:
[0003.221] I> add_boot_slot_suffix: slot_suffix =
[0003.225] I> Linux Cmdline: root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw rootwait rootfstype=ext4 console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty0 fbcon=map:0 net.ifnames=0 isolcpus=1-2 video=tegrafb no_console_suspend=1 earlycon=uart8250,mmio32,0x3100000 nvdumper_reserved=0x2772e0000 gpt usbcore.old_scheme_first=1 tegraid= maxcpus=6 boot.slot_suffix= boot.ratchetvalues=0.2031647.1 bl_prof_dataptr=0x10000@0x275840000 sdhci_tegra.en_boot_part_access=1
[0003.263] I> Updated bootarg info to DTB
[0003.267] I> eeprom_get_mac_addr: MAC (type: 0): 00:04:4b:c7:77:62
[0003.273] I> eeprom_get_mac_addr: MAC (type: 1): 00:04:4b:c7:77:63
[0003.279] I> eeprom_get_mac_addr: MAC (type: 2): 00:04:4b:c7:77:64
[0003.285] E> Found no plugin manager ids in source DT
[0003.290] W> Add plugin manager ids from board info
[0003.295] E> “plugin-manager” doesn’t exist, creating
[0003.300] E> “ids” doesn’t exist, creating
[0003.304] E> “connection” doesn’t exist, creating
[0003.308] E> “configs” doesn’t exist, creating
[0003.313] I> create_pm_ids: id: 3310-1000-D00-E, len: 15
[0003.318] I> config: mem-type:00,power-config:00,misc-config:00,modem-config:00,touch-config:00,display-config:00, len: 93
[0003.329] I> Adding plugin-manager/ids/3310-1000-D00=/i2c@c250000:module@0x50
[0003.336] E> “i2c@c250000” doesn’t exist, creating
[0003.340] E> “module@0x50” doesn’t exist, creating
[0003.346] I> Adding plugin-manager/ids/3310-1000-D00-E
[0003.353] I> Adding plugin-manager/configs/3310-mem-type 00
[0003.358] I> Adding plugin-manager/configs/3310-power-config 00
[0003.364] I> Adding plugin-manager/configs/3310-misc-config 00
[0003.370] I> Adding plugin-manager/configs/3310-modem-config 00
[0003.376] I> Adding plugin-manager/configs/3310-touch-config 00
[0003.382] I> Adding plugin-manager/configs/3310-display-config 00
[0003.388] I> Adding plugin-manager/cvm
[0003.392] E> “chip-id” doesn’t exist, creating
[0003.396] I> Adding plugin-manager/chip-id/A02P
[0003.401] E> “odm-data” doesn’t exist, creating
[0003.405] I> Adding /chosen/plugin-manager/odm-data
[0003.414] I> added [base:0x80000000, size:0x70000000] to /memory
[0003.420] I> added [base:0xf0200000, size:0x185600000] to /memory
[0003.426] I> added [base:0x275e00000, size:0x200000] to /memory
[0003.431] I> added [base:0x276600000, size:0x200000] to /memory
[0003.437] I> added [base:0x277000000, size:0x200000] to /memory
[0003.443] I> Updated memory info to DTB
[0003.447] E> add_disp_param: failed to get display params for du=0
[0003.454] E> “reset” doesn’t exist, creating
[0003.458] E> “pmc-reset-reason” doesn’t exist, creating
[0003.464] E> “pmic-reset-reason” doesn’t exist, creating
[0003.470] I> Adding ecid(0000000164511842040000000cfb0340) to DT
[0003.476] I> disabled_core_mask: 0xffffff0c
[0003.486] I> Add serial number:0420319015847 as DT property
[0003.494] I> Plugin-manager override starting
[0003.499] I> node /plugin-manager/fragement@0 matches
[0003.507] I> node /plugin-manager/fragement@4 matches
[0003.517] I> node /plugin-manager/fragment-sdwake-p3310-1000-300 matches
[0003.532] I> node /plugin-manager/fragement-pmon-p3310-1000-300 matches
[0003.541] I> node /plugin-manager/fragement-pmon-p3310-1000-800 matches
[0003.549] I> node /plugin-manager/fragment-devslp@0 matches
[0003.558] I> node /plugin-manager/fragment-500-pcie-config matches
[0003.569] I> node /plugin-manager/fragment-500-xusb-config matches
[0003.586] I> node /plugin-manager/fragment-p3310-c00-comm matches
[0003.596] I> node /plugin-manager/fragment-p3310-c00-pmic matches
[0003.604] I> node /plugin-manager/fragment-p3310-c01 matches
[0003.613] I> node /plugin-manager/fragment-p3310-c03 matches
[0003.633] I> Disable plugin-manager status in FDT
[0003.637] I> Plugin-manager override finished successfully
[0003.643] I> tegrabl_load_kernel_and_dtb: Done
[0003.647] E> tegrabl_display_clear: display is not initialized
[0003.653] W> Boot logo display failed…
[0003.656] I> Kernel EP: 0x80800000, DTB: 0x80000000

U-Boot 2016.07-g0536cf2a27 (Dec 09 2019 - 22:43:10 -0800)

Model: NVIDIA P2771-0000-500
DRAM: 7.8 GiB
MC: Tegra SD/MMC: 0, Tegra SD/MMC: 1
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment

In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: eth0: ethernet@2490000
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
MMC: no card present
switch to partitions #0, OK
mmc0(part 0) is current device
Scanning mmc 0:1…
Found /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
Retrieving file: /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
733 bytes read in 104 ms (6.8 KiB/s)
1: primary kernel
Retrieving file: /boot/initrd
5565140 bytes read in 205 ms (25.9 MiB/s)
Retrieving file: /boot/Image
34258952 bytes read in 855 ms (38.2 MiB/s)
append: root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw rootwait rootfstype=ext4 console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty0 fbcon=map:0 net.ifnames=0 isolcpus=1-2 video=tegrafb no_console_suspend=1 earlycon=uart8250,mmio32,0x3100000 nvdumper_reserved=0x2772e0000 gpt usbcore.old_scheme_first=1 tegraid= maxcpus=6 boot.slot_suffix= boot.ratchetvalues=0.2031647.1 bl_prof_dataptr=0x10000@0x275840000 sdhci_tegra.en_boot_part_access=1 quiet

Flattened Device Tree blob at 80000000

Booting using the fdt blob at 0x80000000
reserving fdt memory region: addr=80000000 size=10000
Using Device Tree in place at 0000000080000000, end 00000000800458bc

Starting kernel …

[ 0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x100
[ 0.000000] Linux version 4.9.140-magellan (rodolfo@pc-logmar) (gcc version 7.3.1 20180425 [linaro-7.3-2018.05 revision d29120a424ecfbc167ef90065c0eeb7f91977701] (Linaro GCC 7.3-2018.05) ) #8 SMP PREEMPT Sun Apr 26 19:53:18 CEST 2020
[ 0.000000] Boot CPU: AArch64 Processor [411fd073]
[ 0.000000] OF: fdt:memory scan node memory@80000000, reg size 16416,
[ 0.000000] OF: fdt: - 80000000 , 70000000
[ 0.000000] OF: fdt: - f0200000 , 185600000
[ 0.000000] OF: fdt: - 275e00000 , 200000
[ 0.000000] OF: fdt: - 276600000 , 200000
[ 0.000000] OF: fdt: - 277000000 , 200000
[ 0.000000] earlycon: uart8250 at MMIO32 0x0000000003100000 (options ‘’)
[ 0.000000] bootconsole [uart8250] enabled

[ 3.022633] CPU0: SError detected, daif=140, spsr=0x80000045, mpidr=80000100, esr=bf40c000
[ 3.022636] CPU5: SError detected, daif=1c0, spsr=0x600000c5, mpidr=80000103, esr=bf40c000
[ 3.022639] CPU3: SError detected, daif=140, spsr=0x40000045, mpidr=80000101, esr=bf40c000
[ 3.022642] CPU4: SError detected, daif=1c0, spsr=0xc5, mpidr=80000102, esr=bf40c000
[ 24.169649] Kernel panic - not syncing: Watchdog detected hard LOCKUP on cpu 1
[ 24.176920] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 4.9.140-magellan #8
[ 24.183744] Hardware name: quill (DT)
[ 24.187426] Call trace:
[ 24.189896] [] dump_backtrace+0x0/0x198
[ 24.195326] [] show_stack+0x24/0x30
[ 24.200406] [] dump_stack+0x98/0xc0
[ 24.205489] [] panic+0x11c/0x298
[ 24.210309] [] watchdog_check_hardlockup_other_cpu+0x11c/0x120
[ 24.217743] [] watchdog_timer_fn+0x98/0x2c0
[ 24.223521] [] __hrtimer_run_queues+0xd8/0x360
[ 24.229558] [] hrtimer_interrupt+0xa8/0x1e0
[ 24.235336] [] tegra186_timer_isr+0x34/0x48
[ 24.241114] [] __handle_irq_event_percpu+0x68/0x288
[ 24.247586] [] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x28/0x60
[ 24.253796] [] handle_irq_event+0x50/0x80
[ 24.259397] [] handle_fasteoi_irq+0xc8/0x1b8
[ 24.265260] [] generic_handle_irq+0x34/0x50
[ 24.271034] [] __handle_domain_irq+0x68/0xc0
[ 24.276897] [] gic_handle_irq+0x5c/0xb0
[ 24.282323] [] el1_irq+0xe8/0x18c
[ 24.287227] [] arch_cpu_idle+0x30/0x1b0
[ 24.292654] [] cpu_startup_entry+0x140/0x200
[ 24.298519] [] rest_init+0x84/0x90
[ 24.303513] [] start_kernel+0x370/0x384
[ 24.308939] [] __primary_switched+0x80/0x94
[ 24.314716] SMP: stopping secondary CPUs
[ 25.400417] SMP: failed to stop secondary CPUs 0-2,4
[ 25.405408] Kernel Offset: disabled
[ 25.408914] Memory Limit: none
[ 25.416015] Rebooting in 5 seconds…
[ 30.420000] SMP: stopping secondary CPUs
[ 31.505551] SMP: failed to stop secondary CPUs 0-2,4

Reboots from here and starts over…

Looks like something goes wrong before CPU gets hang, but need to enable more verbose log.

Please remove the “quiet” in extlinux.conf, reflash the board again and see if more log could be enabled.

Hi @WayneWWW

We found the bug, it was due to a camera driver error where the CAM1_PDWN pin was defined as:

It should have been defined as N, 2 for the TX2.

I’m wondering what pin L6 does since it could cause some of my jetson modules to endlessly reboot and others worked fine.

Can you shed some light on that?


Hi Lasse,

I just checked the pinmux spreadsheet and cannot find L06. Guess it is not configurable.

Could it be reserved for some internal functions? On some tx2s it does nothing and they boot just fine, on other it just hangs after “bootconsole [uart8250] enabled”, it was not fun to debug!

This log has nothing special and nothing to do with the issue here.

bootconsole [uart8250] enabled”

There are other logs but get hidden because the kernel log is disabled by the "quiet"setting in kernel cmdline as I mentioned. Only pr_err is printed out.

It looks like GPIO L.06 is shared with the GP_PWM6 Tegra IC ball and would normally be configured as a PWM signal on the Jetson TX2 SoM. The signal appears to remain on the module and does not come to any of the module external pins. The description from the pinmux sheet is “SOM: SOC_CLDVFS_PWM(PMIC)”. So perhaps it is used for some type of DVFS control in conjunction with the PMIC on the module. Maybe your driver/kernel is changing the pinmux mode of GP_PWM6 from PWM to GPIO and that is causing an issue on the module.