Regarding Dedicated ID Pin For USB

NVIDIA Jetson TX2 Has Dedicated pin for USB, but in Jetson Orin Nano I couldn’t find any such Dedicated pin for USB. So, Can I use any other pin as USB, if so, which is that pin? If not, how can I do USB Communication in my custom carrier board?

What do you mean no such pin for USB? Please refer to the chapter USB in Orin NX Design Guide in DLC as below for USB design.

For Micro USB connection we need USB0_OTG_ID pin, could you suggest which pin can be used with Orin nano for same purpose.

Please refer to this topic: How to use USB0 as OTG in Device and Host Mode without changing device tree after flashing? - #11 by WayneWWW

You can use GPIO_06 for ID pin which has been validated by others. Or GPIO3 as validated in this topic: Configure the type-c port to OTG with OTG_ID

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