Remote debug from eclipse


I’m trying to debug my jetson xavier orin from my host.(jetpack 5.01 installed)
I’m using eclipse c++ with nsight plugin to eclipse taken from installation of cuda 11.4.
I created new connection using ssh, target ip and user & password of the target.I succeeded to build my project ( one of nvidia example import) and also to run the application on the target but i failed to make remote debug.
Please advice how to make remote debug?
Should i use eclipse plus nsight plugin?
Or should i use nsight graphics?



Do you get any error or output for the failure?
If yes, would you mind sharing it with us first?


See the error in the attached screenshot

One more thing (maybe related to the error i got) during the installation of nsight plugin, i couldn’t install with success the nvidia remote component.

Thanks for your feedback.

We are checking this internally.
Will update more information with you.

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue any more.
Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one.


We need more information about your environment.
Could you share the setting in your Preferences → CUDA?


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