Replicator and rep.orchestrator.step

Isaac Sim Version


Operating System

Ubuntu 20.04

GPU Information

  • Model: RTX 4070 Super Ti
  • Driver Version: 550.78

I am not able to understand Replicator behvaiour

Detailed Description

For synthetic data generation i use replicator to randomize few things like lights, colors etc.
In order to control the randomiztaion i use replicator with custom event names like

  • rep.utils.send_og_event(event_name=“randomize_lights”)
  • rep.utils.send_og_event(event_name=“randomize_dome_background”)

After calling the replicator with custom events, i use rep.orchestrator.step() to render the scene

  • To render the scene
    rep.orchestrator.step(rt_subframes=8, delta_time=0.0)

Till now everything works fine but if I use rep.orchestrator.step() two times then the replicator at custom events does not work.

Let me explain in detail.

I want to render a prim for bounding box but do not want the prim to be visible in the image.
(like mentioned here - How to render the absence of a prim/mesh or part of a prim/mesh? )

Hence I make the object / prim visible when capturing bounding box data and make object invisible when capturing rgb image data. For this I need to use rep.orchestrator.step() twice


rep.orchestrator.step(rt_subframes=8, delta_time=0.0)

-----capture bbox data using annotators---------


rep.orchestrator.step(rt_subframes=8, delta_time=0.0)

-----capture rgb image data using annotators---------

But when I use rep.orchestrator.step(rt_subframes=8, delta_time=0.0) twice in the loop of generating synthetic data the replicator randomizations at custom event do not takes place. For example the dome light texture does not change even though the replicator is called at custom events.

In general I think using replciator at custom events does not work if I use rep.orchestrator.step() two times.

The other option is to use material for the object to be transperant in image data and still have bbox without using MakeVisible() and MakeInvisible(). But then the transperant object is still faintly visible in the rgb image.

I am more interested in turning off and on visibility of prim as it provides greater control. But then I am unable to use replicator randomizations which are automatic and easy to use.

Is there any way to solve this

Steps to Reproduce

  1. In a loop call replicator at custom events

for i in range(100):

      rep.orchestrator.step(rt_subframes=8, delta_time=0.0)

this works and randomizations takes places.

  1. not working case

for i in range(100):

  rep.orchestrator.step(rt_subframes=8, delta_time=0.0)
  rep.orchestrator.step(rt_subframes=8, delta_time=0.0)

this does not works and randomizations do not takes places.

Hi there,

the custom randomization events do not trigger on step() only when explicitly called e.g. rep.utils.send_og_event(event_name="randomize_lights") this gives you more flexibility on when to trigger which randomizer and step will only capture the data.

The problem i have I do randomization by calling


then I i call

rep.orchestrator.step(rt_subframes=8, delta_time=0.0)

to get the data.

Everything works.

If i do something like

    for i range (num_frames):


        rep.orchestrator.step(rt_subframes=8, delta_time=0.0)
        rep.orchestrator.step(rt_subframes=8, delta_time=0.0)

Where i call step() twice, the randomizations doesnot takes place.

Lets say in first frame the dome_texture is set to “texture_1” then i call step() twice and then in second frame the dome_texture should be changed to random one from “texture"2” right, but even in the second frame the dome texture does not change, even though inside the loop rep.utils.send_og_event(event_name=“randomize_lights”) is called.

Can you check this and let me know you also face this error.

Please also let me know if I am not explaining the problem clearly. I can try and create a sample code to reproduce the error if required.

Do you mean randomizing twise in the same frame? Something like this:

    for i range (num_frames):
        rep.orchestrator.step(rt_subframes=8, delta_time=0.0)        


        rep.orchestrator.step(rt_subframes=8, delta_time=0.0)

No. I do one randomization per frame.

for i range (num_frames):
       # one randomization per frame
       # call step() twice to hide and unhide a prim

        rep.orchestrator.step(rt_subframes=8, delta_time=0.0)        


        rep.orchestrator.step(rt_subframes=8, delta_time=0.0)

i see this behaviour

for i =0

  1. rep.utils.send_og_event(event_name=“randomize_lights”) - works (randomization takes places)
  2. rep.orchestrator.step(rt_subframes=8, delta_time=0.0) using twice i hide and unhide prim i want and get information from annotators.

for i=1 and subsequent loop steps

  1. rep.utils.send_og_event(event_name=“randomize_lights”) is called but randomization does not takes place.
  2. step() is called twice to get information.

When i removed the process of hiding and showing of prim and used step only once in the loop the randomization takes effect in all steps of loop.

I see, that should not be happening, What type is your prim ‘prim’ and how do you access it?

the prim is a disk .(i use a disk mesh in usd and save it )

i get the disk from world stage using code below. i use class structure and store stage in self._stage

corner = self._stage.GetPrimAtPath(f"/World/rack/rack_holes/Disk")

rep.orchestrator.step(rt_subframes=8, delta_time=0.0) 

rep.orchestrator.step(rt_subframes=8, delta_time=0.0) 

def _show_obj(obj) -> None:
    Shows the object in the scene.
    obj_imageable = UsdGeom.Imageable(obj)

def _hide_obj(obj) -> None:
    Hides the object in the scene.
    obj_imageable = UsdGeom.Imageable(obj)

Seems to work just fine, here is a script editor snippet to test out:

import asyncio
import os
import omni.usd
import omni.kit.commands
import omni.replicator.core as rep
from pxr import UsdGeom

stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()

_, cube_path = omni.kit.commands.execute("CreateMeshPrim", prim_type="Cube")
cube_prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(cube_path)

with rep.trigger.on_custom_event(event_name="randomize_lights"):
    lights = rep.create.light(light_type="Dome", color=rep.distribution.uniform((0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1)))

basic_writer = rep.writers.get("BasicWriter")
output_directory = os.getcwd() + "/_out_custom_rand"
print(f"output_directory: {output_directory}")
basic_writer.initialize(output_dir=output_directory, rgb=True)
rp = rep.create.render_product("/OmniverseKit_Persp", (512, 512))

async def run_example_async():
    for i in range(4):
        print(f"Step {i}")
        await rep.orchestrator.step_async(rt_subframes=8)

        await rep.orchestrator.step_async(rt_subframes=8)


Let me know if you need further guidance. If you figure out what the issue was feel free to post the solution, it might help others as well. Thanks!

I think the issue i due to usage of rep.orchestrator.wait_until_complete()

in my code i use like

rep.orchestrator.step(rt_subframes=8, delta_time=0.0)
 image = self._rgb.get_data()
# switch to realtime render to speed up the process

 # show object to get bbox information

rep.orchestrator.step(rt_subframes=8, delta_time=0.0)

bbox = self._bbox_2d_tight.get_data()

I had to use rep.orchestrator.wait_until_complete() to finish the process of getting information or else the image is not rendered perfectly and bbox of some objects is missing.

In the code you shared if i add await rep.orchestrator.wait_until_complete_async() same thing happens

import asyncio
import os
import omni.usd
import omni.kit.commands
import omni.replicator.core as rep
from pxr import UsdGeom

stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()

_, cube_path = omni.kit.commands.execute("CreateMeshPrim", prim_type="Cube")
cube_prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(cube_path)

with rep.trigger.on_custom_event(event_name="randomize_lights"):
    lights = rep.create.light(light_type="Dome", color=rep.distribution.uniform((0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1)))

basic_writer = rep.writers.get("BasicWriter")
output_directory = os.getcwd() + "/_out_custom_rand"
print(f"output_directory: {output_directory}")
basic_writer.initialize(output_dir=output_directory, rgb=True)
rp = rep.create.render_product("/OmniverseKit_Persp", (512, 512))

async def run_example_async():
    for i in range(10):
        print(f"Step {i}")
        await rep.orchestrator.step_async(rt_subframes=8)
        await rep.orchestrator.wait_until_complete_async()

        await rep.orchestrator.step_async(rt_subframes=8)
        await rep.orchestrator.wait_until_complete_async()


In attached image you can see all image have blue backgrround and do not change.

my question is is it supposed to happen like this or rep.orchestrator.wait_until_complete_async() should not be called twice?

rep.orchestrator.wait_until_complete_async() should only be called at the end, before closing your application, so writing any data still in memory to disk finishes.

in amr_navigation example it was used every frame of synthetic data generation


def _run_sdg(self):
    if self._use_temp_rp:
    if self._use_temp_rp:

async def _run_sdg_async(self):
    if self._use_temp_rp:
    await rep.orchestrator.step_async(rt_subframes=16)
    await rep.orchestrator.wait_until_complete_async()
    if self._use_temp_rp:

Looking at the wait_until_complete_async functions it seems this happens because wait_until_complete_asyncalso stops and cleans replicator, e.g. the
randomize_lights graph is no longer valid. A workaround would be to only call:

        while not BackendDispatch.is_done_writing():

In the AMR example it is fine because after each capture the replicator graphs are removed, so the data needs to be written to disk before:
omni.kit.commands.execute("DeletePrimsCommand", paths=["/Replicator"])

In AMR example

  def _clear_sdg_render_products(self):
      print(f"[NavSDGDemo] Clearing SDG render products")
      if self._writer:
      for rp in self._render_products:
      if self._stage.GetPrimAtPath("/Replicator").IsValid():

the above function is called only once in end. Not each time.

And if i do not use rep.orchestrator.wait_till_complete(), I am not getting images sometimes from annoatators.

    rep.orchestrator.step(rt_subframes=8, delta_time=0.0)
    image = self._rgb.get_data()
    # sometimes there is no image from rbg annotator

anyway how should i ensure i get rendered rbg image manually from annotator without using rep.orchestrator.wait_untill_complete()

It might happen that the first frames until the render products are initialized that the annotators data is not yet in the buffer. Can you provide a small repro script for this case, since this should not happen with step().

As a workaround before starting the SDG pipeline you can update the application a few frames:

simulation_app.update() or await

Wait until complete does not interfere with annotator data, it basically waits until the writer buffers are written to disk:

If you still run into issues with the data not being available please open a new topic.

thanks for tips.

I could solve by disabling the use of temporary render products

   # run rendering pipeline for each frame

I did not set self._rp.hydra_texture.set_updates_enabled(False) and always it was True. Then used

for _ in range(10):
            rep.orchestrator.step(rt_subframes=1, delta_time=0.0)

before getting data from annotator. Now I am getting data from rgb and bbox annotator all the time.

But still i do not understand how replicator backend works as there is no detail documentation available. For more complex stuff like generating synthetic data for complex use case I think understanding replicator backend is necessary. Is it possible to create a clear documentation of different functions of replicator works and how everything works together to get a clear picture.