please apply the pre-built update here… Topic 284939. there’s bug fix of paring set_mode_delay_ms via device tree.
after that,
you should be able to configure set_mode_delay_ms in the device tree.
Thanks for getting back to me and letting me know. I will try it and let you know if it works.
One more question: when set_mode_delay_ms is configured in the device tree, does that mean enableCamInfiniteTimeout is not needed? For example, if I set set_mode_delay_ms = 5000 in the device tree, do I still need to run the following?
$ sudo service nvargus-daemon stop
$ sudo enableCamInfiniteTimeout=1 nvargus-daemon
Based on your response here, I am unclear about that.
Unfortunately setting set_mode_delay_ms to a large value does not achieve the same result as setting enableCamInfiniteTimeout=1.
What additional timeouts are disabled by enableCamInfiniteTimeout which are not disabled by set_mode_delay_ms? Can any of them be disabled/increased by patching open-source code?
I just selected an arbitrarily large value for testing (3000ms), and experienced the timeout anyways. That I why I just want to understand what is the difference between enableCamInfiniteTimeout and set_mode_delay_ms ?
My use-case: I am experiencing this problem, and enableCamInfiniteTimeout=1 solves it but set_mode_delay_ms does not (yet). I am still waiting for my camera partner (e-con) to provide a more reasonable value - i.e. less than 3s - based on the details of their camera. If I receive this from them, I will try it again and then mention the result here.
In the meantime, I will make sure to update to Jetson R35.5.0 on all my other modules.
VI engine it expects frame packet arrived (it’s looking for SOF) as soon as stream-on.
in some scenario, such as huge amount of register programming during sensor init. it’ll take longer time than VI’s expectation to cause timeout failure. that’s configuration, set_mode_delay_ms to add some delay after capture starts.
however, internal timeout mechanism still there for waiting frame packet has arrived.
note, internal timeout it’s 2500ms by default, it has configure to a larger amount (i.e. 4500ms) in the r35.5.0 release version.
when you configure enableCamInfiniteTimeout, it’ll toggle timeout values as Infinite, which means waits forever.
@JerryChang sorry for the late reply. I was waiting on my camera vendor (e-con systems) to get back to me on this. I have only just managed to get a hold of them now.
Thanks very much for letting me know about that internal timeout of 2500ms. If I am understanding correctly, that is hard-coded in some closed-source libraries, so it cannot be changed to 4500ms without upgrading to R35.5.0.
ACQUIRE_FRAME_TIMEOUT: Set the waiting time for the acquireFrame before timeout. Default 3000ms
WAIT_FOR_EVENT_TIMEOUT: Set the waiting time for the event before timeout. Default 5000ms
What is the meaning of “event” and “acquireFrame”? Are they related to the total timeout like this?