Several sample usage in parabricks haplotypecaller

Hello community,

I want to conduct joint sample analysis by HaplotyeCaller using parabrcks.

In the following web page,

“The argument may also be a local folder containing several BAM files.” is discribed in documentation for haplotypecaller option, “–in-bam”.

But, several sample call did not work as follows.

pbrun haplotypecaller
–tmp-dir /work/
–ref ./genome.fa
–haplotypecaller-options ‘-A StrandBiasBySample’
–in-bam ./test/
–out-variants out.vcf &

Error messeage was as follows.
[E::hts_open_format] Failed to open file “/xxx/test” : Is a directory

In addition, when we ran haplotypecaller with multiple bams specified, a vcf was created for the first bam only.

There’s something I could do?
Thanks in advice.
