I bought the px2,but i cannot flash it with driveworks due to no suitable account of NVIDIA DRIVE™ Developer Program for DRIVE PX 2.
I’ve tried applying,but the system is still in “aproval pending” for about 4days. And the px2 is still a block due to no os.
Hi @regstools,
You need to use your company e-mail address for registration to the developer program. Have you done so? If your company is on the approved access list then you should get approval within a few days. Feel free to private message me if you want to share more details about yourself/company privately.
Yes,i have used my company email @baidu.com, but it doesnot work.
Hi @regstools,
it seems like the email you are registered with ends with @outlook.com.
Are you trying to get access using another user?
Hi @regstools,
I will send you a private message to get your contact info. Then I will check with the team that manages our developer portal access to resolve.