Support for Gstreamer 1.22?

• Hardware Platform (Jetson / GPU) Jetson Orin Nano
• DeepStream Version 7.0

Is there any plan to support Gstreamer 1.22 or higher? In here I see that even the current latest version of Deepstream (7.0) only supports Gstreamer 1.20

Related: GStreamer nvv4l2decoder plugin warning: NVMEDIA: NVMEDIAFrameStatusReporting: 2115: GetFrameDecodeStatus failed!

The Gstreamer version is compatible with the Ubuntu version. If you want to update that, you can refer to our Guide migration-to-newer-gstreamer-version.

I am concerned that upgrading gstreamer will break Deepstream. How should I interpret this table? As “in DeepStream needs this exact version of GStreamer” or “this is the minimum version of GStreamer supported” ?

I succesfully built GStreamer 1.24.4 working with DeepStream 7.
I had to build glib 2.76.6, but I don’t remember why…
I didn’t test python stuff, only c++.

If I recall correctly I had one plugin error (cannot register existing type ‘GstNvJpegEnc’,
nvinfer, nvstreammux, nvtracker, nvv4l2decoder, …, are working fine, in x86 and jetson orin (with JP6).

Maybe I’ll get some errors later, but I need to use GStreamer 1.24.
For now I haven’t rebuilt the open source deepstream plugins, that would be better, but they are not all open source…

The best would be nvidia make all the DeepStream plugins open source, so that we could easily support GStreamer 1.22 or 1.24, even if not supported officially.

Upgrading the Gstreamer version may have potential compatibility issues because we won’t do full test for this situation.

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore. Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one. Thanks

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