Hi Team,
I am running tensorRT model in Jetson Nano,While running the inference Jetson Nano is shutingdown.can i Know why is it shuttingDown?
PowerSupply: 5v 4Amps(Poewer Adapter used)
TensoRT: 7
Hi Team,
I am running tensorRT model in Jetson Nano,While running the inference Jetson Nano is shutingdown.can i Know why is it shuttingDown?
PowerSupply: 5v 4Amps(Poewer Adapter used)
TensoRT: 7
Usually, this problem occurs due to power starvation.
Could you change Nano into 5W mode to see if it helps first?
$ sudo nvpmodel -m 1
Thanks for the reply,
yes,its running in 5w power mode, but i need to work on 10W mode, to utilize 4 cores.
because in our application there are 12 multi-process running in Parallel.
Can you suggest any methods or solutions for it?
YES. Please choose a power supply based on your usage on this topic: