Hello All,
I have another post on this but I fear the title was a bit weak so I’m trying agains. Anyways, I’m using OpenSuse11.1 with 4 Tesla C1060…After I install the NVIDIA driver for the C1060 and I run the command nvidia-settings which shows I only have 1 GPU and it’s my onboard graphics, nForce 780a SLI.
I am following the NVIDIA Tesla C1060 Installation Guide for Linux. I attempted to install NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-185.14.14-pkg2(2).run
Consider looking at this thread: [url=“http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=88082”]http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=88082[/url]
The same problem happened to me and others but the solution is there!!
Good luck!!
Yes I found that thread but it didn’t apply to my problem exactly. We found that all of the Tesla cards were either installed incorrectly or had come loose during shipping…embarrassing but I am a noob at this so what can I say :(. Also we had multiple other problems which I will list so that it will others like myself.
We had to install freeglut, freeglut-devel, Mesa, Mesa-devel, and Mesa-devel-static. Me and a more experience Linux person did a search for an NVIDIA driver (RPM) but found none through yast but once another even more experienced LINUC got into the system he found immediately that we were attached to another RPM that was hosing up then he corrected.
Now that the system seems good to go from a root standpoint I am trying to get a non-root user to be able to access the Tesla gpu but I am having no success.
The NVIDIA 185.18.14 RPM driver has been just released today!! You can now install it via YAST!!!