yes below are the results:
I did tests using this rig_file:
1_camera_1_gps_rig.txt (2.7 KB)
once with gps device set to gps.ublox and once gps.uart:
recorder tool output
I manage to record using the recorder tool but I don’t see any timestamps within the file.
This is the output when using the recording tool, starting a recording and stopping it with s /dev/null and then q:
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] Platform: Detected Drive Orin P3710
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] Platform: currently selected GPU device integrated ID 0
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘./resources’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘./resources/resources.pak’
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘/usr/local/driveworks-5.14/tools/capture/data’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘/usr/local/driveworks-5.14/tools/capture/data/resources.pak’
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘/usr/local/driveworks-5.14/tools/capture/…/…/data’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘/usr/local/driveworks-5.14/tools/capture/…/…/data/resources.pak’
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘/usr/local/driveworks-5.14/data’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘/usr/local/driveworks-5.14/data/resources.pak’
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] Context::findResourcesPackageInPathWalk: Could not find ./resources/resources.pak in upto 7 parent directories from /usr/local/driveworks-5.14/tools/capture/…/…/targets/aarch64-Linux/lib/
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] Context::findResourcesPackageInPathWalk: Could not find ./resources/resources.pak in upto 7 parent directories from /usr/local/driveworks-5.14/targets/aarch64-Linux/lib/
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] SDK: No resources(.pak) mounted, some modules will not function properly
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] egl::Display: found 1 EGL devices
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] egl::Display: use drm device: /dev/dri/card0
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] [18-09-2024 08:17:54] Initialize DriveWorks SDK v5.14.74
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] [18-09-2024 08:17:54] Release build with GNU 9.3.0 from buildbrain-branch-0-g30b7ba5bb0c against Drive PDK v6.0.8.0
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] Rig overlay directory does not exist: /storage/driveworks/data/vehicle_cfg
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] Platform: currently selected GPU device integrated ID 0
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] rig::DatabaseOverlayer: Failed to open a file ‘/tmp/car_vin’ - file likely does not exist - skipping overlay
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] No valid data file found for camera:front:center in parameter string: camera-name=F008A120RM0AV2,interface=csi-ab,CPHY-mode=1,link=0,format=h264,output-format=processed,async-record=0,frame-mod=2,file-buffer-size=16777216,skip-eeprom=0 (using configuration folder /home/nvidia/ar0820_camera_simple_office_testing/)
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] No valid data file found for gps in parameter string: device=/dev/ttyACM0,baud=115200,fifo-size=1024,output-timestamp=synced (using configuration folder /home/nvidia/ar0820_camera_simple_office_testing/)
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] No valid data file found for time:nvpps:rec:00 in parameter string: reference-type=NONE,nvpps-device=/dev/nvpps0 (using configuration folder /home/nvidia/ar0820_camera_simple_office_testing/)
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] rig::DatabaseOverlayer: Failed to open a file ‘/tmp/car_vin’ - file likely does not exist - skipping overlay
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] SensorFactory::createSensor() → time.nvpps, nvpps-device=/dev/nvpps0
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] Found driver: time.nvpps
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] TimeSensor: failed to set NVPPS parameters. Error: Invalid argument
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] This platform does not support NVPPS GPIO mode. Fallback to timer mode
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] TimeSensor: initialized with no UTC time reference.
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] SensorFactory: Override default timeSensor with the user passed one
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] EndpointNVPPS: started on /dev/nvpps0
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] SensorFactory::createSensor() → camera.gmsl, camera-name=F008A120RM0AV2,interface=csi-ab,CPHY-mode=1,link=0,format=h264,output-format=processed,async-record=0,frame-mod=2,file-buffer-size=16777216,skip-eeprom=0
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] Found driver: camera.gmsl
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] SensorFactory::createSensor() → camera.gmsl.master,
[18-09-2024 08:17:54] Found driver: camera.gmsl.master
[18-09-2024 08:17:55] CameraMaster::parseDevBlock Getting device info list.
[18-09-2024 08:17:55] devBlock: 0 Slave = 0 Interface = csi-ab Camera_name = F008A120RM0AV2 Link = 0 GroupInit = 0
[18-09-2024 08:17:55] Camera Match Name: F008A120RM0AV2 Description: Entron F008A120RM0A module - 120-deg FOV, 24-bit capture, MIPI-AR0820, MAX9295 linkIndex: 4294967295 serInfo.Name: MAX9295
[18-09-2024 08:17:55] Authentication is disabled for camera F008A120RM0AV2
[18-09-2024 08:17:55] Client, Setting up information for camera ID 0
[18-09-2024 08:17:55] Client, successfully found info for camera ID 0 bound to id 0
[18-09-2024 08:17:55] CameraClient: using NITO found at /usr/share/camera/F008A120RM0AV2.nito
[18-09-2024 08:17:55] SensorFactory::createSensor() → gps.ublox, device=/dev/ttyACM0,baud=115200,fifo-size=1024,output-timestamp=synced
[18-09-2024 08:17:55] Found driver: gps.ublox
[18-09-2024 08:17:55] SensorFactory::createSensor() → time.nvpps, reference-type=NONE,nvpps-device=/dev/nvpps0
[18-09-2024 08:17:55] Found driver: time.nvpps
[18-09-2024 08:17:55] TimeSensor: initialized with no UTC time reference.
[18-09-2024 08:17:55] SensorFactory: Override default timeSensor with the user passed one
[18-09-2024 08:17:56] EndpointNVPPS: stopped on /dev/nvpps0
[18-09-2024 08:17:56] EndpointNVPPS: started on /dev/nvpps0
[18-09-2024 08:17:56] SIPLMaster::SIPLMaster: Setting up master camera
[18-09-2024 08:17:56] CameraMaster available outputs: 1
[18-09-2024 08:17:56] CameraClient: setting pipeline config for camera ID 0
[18-09-2024 08:17:56] CameraClient, SIPLNotifier created
[18-09-2024 08:17:56] CameraMaster: master initiation
MAX96712: Revision 5 detected
MAX96712 Link 0: PHY optimization was enabled
MAX9295: Revision 8 detected!
Sensor AR0820 GRBG Rev 2.1 detected!
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] CameraMaster: Bootstrap NvSIPL and ClientPipelines complete
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] CameraClient::readEEPROMInfo:
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] mmIntrinsicModelID: 27
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] mmIntrinsicCoeff[0]: -0.000000
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] mmIntrinsicCoeff[1]: 0.000000
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] mmIntrinsicCoeff[2]: 0.000000
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] mmIntrinsicCoeff[3]: 0.000000
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] mmIntrinsicCoeff[4]: 0.000000
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] mmIntrinsicCoeff[5]: 0.000000
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] mmIntrinsicCoeff[6]: 0.000000
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] mmIntrinsicCoeff[7]: 0.000000
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] mmIntrinsicCoeff[8]: 0.000000
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] mmIntrinsicCoeff[9]: 1.892143e+11
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] mmIntrinsicCoeff[10]: 0.000000
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] mmIntrinsicCoeff[11]: 0.000000
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] mmIntrinsicCoeff[12]: 0.000000
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] mmIntrinsicCoeff[13]: 0.000000
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] mmIntrinsicCoeff[14]: 0.000170
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] mmIntrinsicCoeff[15]: 8.000000
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] mmIntrinsicMeasuredFlagID: 237
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] fwVersionMajor: 0
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] fwVersionMinor: 0
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] fwVersionPatch: 0
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] [18-09-2024 08:17:57] SAL: bootstrap complete
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] CameraClient: serializer bitrate not specified. Using 8000000.
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] CameraClient: h264 and h265 video format encoding is deprecated. Please switch to a different format.
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] EncoderNvMedia: Setting encode on instance 0
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] EncoderNvMedia: Header Information not available for h264/h265 , Default Header Data
Rig: ar0820_1_camera.json NewSink: /dev/null
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] CameraClient: allocating image pool for ICP
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] Allocating NvSci group
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] CameraClient: allocate image pool for 0
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] Allocating NvSci ISP0 images
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] EndpointTTY: started on /dev/ttyACM0
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] SensorManager::readSensor() Failed reading sensor #1: DW_NOT_READY
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] SensorManager::start() started
Press s to start, just to see progress, q to quit.
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] SIPLClient: Acquisition started
[18-09-2024 08:17:57] [18-09-2024 08:17:58] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:17:59] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:00] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:01] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:02] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:03] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:04] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:05] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:06] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:07] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:08] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:09] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:10] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
s[18-09-2024 08:18:11] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:12] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:13] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:14] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:15] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
/home/nvidia/ar0820_camera_simple_office_testing/gps_timestamps_testing[18-09-2024 08:18:16] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout[18-09-2024 08:18:16] EncoderNvMedia: dropping PFrame before IFrame
[18-09-2024 08:18:16] EncoderNvMedia: dropping PFrame before IFrame
[18-09-2024 08:18:16] EncoderNvMedia: dropping PFrame before IFrame
[18-09-2024 08:18:17] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:18] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
Rig: ar0820_1_camera.json NewSink: /home/nvidia/ar0820_camera_simple_office_testing/gps_timestamps_testing
Rig: ar0820_1_camera.json Sensor: camera:front:center Bytes: 1187334
Rig: ar0820_1_camera.json Sensor: gps Bytes: 19962
Rig: ar0820_1_camera.json Sensor: time:nvpps:rec:00 Bytes: 72
Rig: ar0820_1_camera.json EndOfSensorsInfo
[18-09-2024 08:18:19] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:20] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:21] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:22] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:23] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:24] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:25] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:26] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:27] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:28] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:29] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:30] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:31] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:32] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:33] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:34] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:35] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:36] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:37] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:38] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:39] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:40] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:41] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:42] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:43] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:44] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:45] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:46] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:47] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:48] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:49] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:50] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:51] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
s [18-09-2024 08:18:52] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
/dev/[18-09-2024 08:18:53] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:54] IndexTable: saving to file “/home/nvidia/ar0820_camera_simple_office_testing/gps_timestamps_testing/”
[18-09-2024 08:18:54] SensorSerializer: could not save index table
[18-09-2024 08:18:54] IndexTable: saving to file “/home/nvidia/ar0820_camera_simple_office_testing/gps_timestamps_testing/”
Rig: ar0820_1_camera.json NewSink: /dev/null
Rig: ar0820_1_camera.json Sensor: camera:front:center Bytes: 188358
Rig: ar0820_1_camera.json Sensor: gps Bytes: 2183
Rig: ar0820_1_camera.json Sensor: time:nvpps:rec:00 Bytes: 72
Rig: ar0820_1_camera.json EndOfSensorsInfo
[18-09-2024 08:18:54] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:55] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:56] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:57] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:58] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:18:59] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:19:00] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:19:01] SIPLNotifier: Notification received from pipeline index:0 of type: NOTIF_WARN_ICP_FRAME_DROP
[18-09-2024 08:19:01] SIPLNotifier: Notification received from pipeline index:0 of type: NOTIF_WARN_ICP_FRAME_DROP
[18-09-2024 08:19:01] SIPLNotifier: Notification received from pipeline index:0 of type: NOTIF_WARN_ICP_FRAME_DROP
[18-09-2024 08:19:01] SIPLNotifier: Notification received from pipeline index:0 of type: NOTIF_WARN_ICP_FRAME_DROP
[18-09-2024 08:19:01] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:19:01] EndpointTTY: stopped on /dev/ttyACM0
[18-09-2024 08:19:02] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:19:02] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:19:02] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:19:03] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:19:03] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:19:03] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:19:03] EndpointNVPPS: stopped on /dev/nvpps0
[18-09-2024 08:19:03] SensorManager::stop() stopped
[18-09-2024 08:19:03] Buffers(Processed) should be released before calling DeInit() on sipl camera
[18-09-2024 08:19:04] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:19:04] Deinit master camera
[18-09-2024 08:19:04] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue shutdown
[18-09-2024 08:19:04] CameraClient: Stopping client
[18-09-2024 08:19:04] Releasing camera master
[18-09-2024 08:19:04] SIPLDeviceBlockNotificationHandler: Queue timeout
[18-09-2024 08:19:04] [18-09-2024 08:19:04] Releasing Driveworks SDK Context
online app usage
When I use the same rig file for online, I don’t get any messages since the sensor manager doesn’t recognize the timestamps of the sensor (it’s 0) and I get this warning:
[18-09-2024 07:51:25] SensorManager::watchOneSensor() WARNING: Sensor gps[0] is lagging by 1726645854809 ms
recorder tool output
I get this seg fault:
root@tegra-ubuntu:/usr/local/driveworks/tools/capture# ./recorder /home/nvidia/ar0820_camera_simple_office_testing/ar0820_1_camera.json
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] Platform: Detected Drive Orin P3710
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] Platform: currently selected GPU device integrated ID 0
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘./resources’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘./resources/resources.pak’
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘/usr/local/driveworks-5.14/tools/capture/data’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘/usr/local/driveworks-5.14/tools/capture/data/resources.pak’
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘/usr/local/driveworks-5.14/tools/capture/…/…/data’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘/usr/local/driveworks-5.14/tools/capture/…/…/data/resources.pak’
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘/usr/local/driveworks-5.14/data’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘/usr/local/driveworks-5.14/data/resources.pak’
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] Context::findResourcesPackageInPathWalk: Could not find ./resources/resources.pak in upto 7 parent directories from /usr/local/driveworks-5.14/tools/capture/…/…/targets/aarch64-Linux/lib/
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] Context::findResourcesPackageInPathWalk: Could not find ./resources/resources.pak in upto 7 parent directories from /usr/local/driveworks-5.14/targets/aarch64-Linux/lib/
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] SDK: No resources(.pak) mounted, some modules will not function properly
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] egl::Display: found 1 EGL devices
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] egl::Display: use drm device: /dev/dri/card0
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] [18-09-2024 07:47:17] Initialize DriveWorks SDK v5.14.74
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] [18-09-2024 07:47:17] Release build with GNU 9.3.0 from buildbrain-branch-0-g30b7ba5bb0c against Drive PDK v6.0.8.0
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] Rig overlay directory does not exist: /storage/driveworks/data/vehicle_cfg
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] Platform: currently selected GPU device integrated ID 0
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] rig::DatabaseOverlayer: Failed to open a file ‘/tmp/car_vin’ - file likely does not exist - skipping overlay
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] No valid data file found for camera:front:center in parameter string: camera-name=F008A120RM0AV2,interface=csi-ab,CPHY-mode=1,link=0,format=h264,output-format=processed,async-record=0,frame-mod=2,file-buffer-size=16777216,skip-eeprom=0 (using configuration folder /home/nvidia/ar0820_camera_simple_office_testing/)
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] No valid data file found for gps in parameter string: device=/dev/ttyACM0,baud=115200,fifo-size=1024,output-timestamp=synced (using configuration folder /home/nvidia/ar0820_camera_simple_office_testing/)
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] No valid data file found for time:nvpps:rec:00 in parameter string: reference-type=NONE,nvpps-device=/dev/nvpps0 (using configuration folder /home/nvidia/ar0820_camera_simple_office_testing/)
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] rig::DatabaseOverlayer: Failed to open a file ‘/tmp/car_vin’ - file likely does not exist - skipping overlay
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] SensorFactory::createSensor() → time.nvpps, nvpps-device=/dev/nvpps0
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] Found driver: time.nvpps
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] TimeSensor: failed to set NVPPS parameters. Error: Invalid argument
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] This platform does not support NVPPS GPIO mode. Fallback to timer mode
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] TimeSensor: initialized with no UTC time reference.
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] SensorFactory: Override default timeSensor with the user passed one
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] EndpointNVPPS: started on /dev/nvpps0
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] SensorFactory::createSensor() → camera.gmsl, camera-name=F008A120RM0AV2,interface=csi-ab,CPHY-mode=1,link=0,format=h264,output-format=processed,async-record=0,frame-mod=2,file-buffer-size=16777216,skip-eeprom=0
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] Found driver: camera.gmsl
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] SensorFactory::createSensor() → camera.gmsl.master,
[18-09-2024 07:47:17] Found driver: camera.gmsl.master
[18-09-2024 07:47:18] CameraMaster::parseDevBlock Getting device info list.
[18-09-2024 07:47:18] devBlock: 0 Slave = 0 Interface = csi-ab Camera_name = F008A120RM0AV2 Link = 0 GroupInit = 0
[18-09-2024 07:47:18] Camera Match Name: F008A120RM0AV2 Description: Entron F008A120RM0A module - 120-deg FOV, 24-bit capture, MIPI-AR0820, MAX9295 linkIndex: 4294967295 serInfo.Name: MAX9295
[18-09-2024 07:47:18] Authentication is disabled for camera F008A120RM0AV2
[18-09-2024 07:47:18] Client, Setting up information for camera ID 0
[18-09-2024 07:47:18] Client, successfully found info for camera ID 0 bound to id 0
[18-09-2024 07:47:18] CameraClient: using NITO found at /usr/share/camera/F008A120RM0AV2.nito
[18-09-2024 07:47:18] SensorFactory::createSensor() → gps.uart, device=/dev/ttyACM0,baud=115200,fifo-size=1024,output-timestamp=synced
[18-09-2024 07:47:18] Found driver: gps.uart
[18-09-2024 07:47:18] SensorFactory::createSensor() → time.nvpps, reference-type=NONE,nvpps-device=/dev/nvpps0
[18-09-2024 07:47:18] Found driver: time.nvpps
[18-09-2024 07:47:18] TimeSensor: initialized with no UTC time reference.
[18-09-2024 07:47:18] SensorFactory: Override default timeSensor with the user passed one
[18-09-2024 07:47:19] EndpointNVPPS: stopped on /dev/nvpps0
[18-09-2024 07:47:19] EndpointNVPPS: started on /dev/nvpps0
[18-09-2024 07:47:19] SIPLMaster::SIPLMaster: Setting up master camera
[18-09-2024 07:47:19] CameraMaster available outputs: 1
[18-09-2024 07:47:19] CameraClient: setting pipeline config for camera ID 0
[18-09-2024 07:47:19] CameraClient, SIPLNotifier created
[18-09-2024 07:47:19] CameraMaster: master initiation
MAX96712: Revision 5 detected
MAX96712 Link 0: PHY optimization was enabled
MAX9295: Revision 8 detected!
Sensor AR0820 GRBG Rev 2.1 detected!
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] CameraMaster: Bootstrap NvSIPL and ClientPipelines complete
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] CameraClient::readEEPROMInfo:
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] mmIntrinsicModelID: 27
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] mmIntrinsicCoeff[0]: -0.000000
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] mmIntrinsicCoeff[1]: 0.000000
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] mmIntrinsicCoeff[2]: 0.000000
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] mmIntrinsicCoeff[3]: 0.000000
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] mmIntrinsicCoeff[4]: 0.000000
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] mmIntrinsicCoeff[5]: 0.000000
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] mmIntrinsicCoeff[6]: 0.000000
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] mmIntrinsicCoeff[7]: 0.000000
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] mmIntrinsicCoeff[8]: 0.000000
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] mmIntrinsicCoeff[9]: 1.892143e+11
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] mmIntrinsicCoeff[10]: 0.000000
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] mmIntrinsicCoeff[11]: 0.000000
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] mmIntrinsicCoeff[12]: 0.000000
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] mmIntrinsicCoeff[13]: 0.000000
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] mmIntrinsicCoeff[14]: 0.000170
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] mmIntrinsicCoeff[15]: 8.000000
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] mmIntrinsicMeasuredFlagID: 237
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] fwVersionMajor: 0
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] fwVersionMinor: 0
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] fwVersionPatch: 0
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] [18-09-2024 07:47:20] SAL: bootstrap complete
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] CameraClient: serializer bitrate not specified. Using 8000000.
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] CameraClient: h264 and h265 video format encoding is deprecated. Please switch to a different format.
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] EncoderNvMedia: Setting encode on instance 0
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] EncoderNvMedia: Header Information not available for h264/h265 , Default Header Data
Rig: ar0820_1_camera.json NewSink: /dev/null
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] CameraClient: allocating image pool for ICP
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] Allocating NvSci group
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] CameraClient: allocate image pool for 0
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] Allocating NvSci ISP0 images
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] EndpointTTY: started on /dev/ttyACM0
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] SensorManager::readSensor() Failed reading sensor #1: DW_NOT_READY
[18-09-2024 07:47:20] SensorManager::start() started
Press s to start, just to see progress, q to quit.
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘dw::core::OutOfBoundsException’
what(): span: access out of bounds
terminate called recursively
Segmentation fault
online app output
I also get an out of bounds error message:
[18-09-2024 08:13:25] Driveworks exception thrown: span: access out of bounds
However, I handle it within the sensor manager loop and the app runs and receives the messages with the 4.5sec gap in timestamp I experience.
The gps I’m using is a ublox f9p.
Regarding your latest remark: “I see camera sensor timestamps have delay.”
Does it mean the data is queued and is 4.5sec older or that the sensor manager assigns old timestamps to new data? I tried introducing 5sec sleep before calling dwSensorManager_start
but that’s no use since it only really starts the cameras after calling dwSensorManager_start
The tool you’re suggesting may be helpful for offline post processing but I need a solution for online usage. What do you suggest other users? I imagine I’m not the first to encounter this issue from what you describe.