Driveworks sample camera emulation with AR0231 failed

Please provide the following info (check/uncheck the boxes after creating this topic):
Software Version
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.6
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.6 and DriveWorks 4.0
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.0
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.0 and DriveWorks 3.5
NVIDIA DRIVE™ Software 10.0 (Linux)
NVIDIA DRIVE™ Software 9.0 (Linux)
other DRIVE OS version

Target Operating System

Hardware Platform
NVIDIA DRIVE™ AGX Xavier DevKit (E3550)
NVIDIA DRIVE™ AGX Pegasus DevKit (E3550)

SDK Manager Version

Host Machine Version
native Ubuntu 18.04


Our emulation for AR0231 still does not work with driveworks-4.0 sample_camera after modifying the register address 0x31FE low byte to 0x37
please find the log below

nvidia@tegra-ubuntu:/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin$ ./sample_camera --rig=/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data/samples/sensors/camera/camera/rig.json
[24-08-2023 19:47:01] Platform: Detected DDPX - Tegra A
[24-08-2023 19:47:01] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1692887056991915
[24-08-2023 19:47:01] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at nvpps. Fallback to eth0
[24-08-2023 19:47:01] TimeSource Eth: Lost PTP time synchronizaton. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[24-08-2023 19:47:01] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at 'eth0'. Fallback to CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
[24-08-2023 19:47:01] Platform: number of GPU devices detected 1
[24-08-2023 19:47:01] Platform: currently selected GPU device integrated ID 0
[24-08-2023 19:47:01] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from '/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/data/': VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount '/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/data/[.pak]'
[24-08-2023 19:47:01] Context::findDataRootInPathWalk data/DATA_ROOT found at: /usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/../data
[24-08-2023 19:47:01] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from '/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/../data/': VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount '/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/../data/[.pak]'
[24-08-2023 19:47:01] Context::findDataRootInPathWalk data/DATA_ROOT found at: /usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data
[24-08-2023 19:47:01] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from '/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data/': VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount '/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data/[.pak]'
[24-08-2023 19:47:01] SDK: No resources(.pak) mounted, some modules will not function properly
[24-08-2023 19:47:01] SDK: Create NvMediaDevice
[24-08-2023 19:47:01] SDK: Create NvMedia2D
[24-08-2023 19:47:01] SDK: use EGL display as provided
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1692887056991915
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at nvpps. Fallback to eth0
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] TimeSource Eth: Lost PTP time synchronizaton. Synchronized time will not be available from this timesource.
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at 'eth0'. Fallback to CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] Initialize DriveWorks SDK v4.0.0
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] Release build with GNU 7.3.1 from no-gitversion-build against Drive PDK v5.2.6.0
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] Rig::fromFile: Loading rig file: /usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data/samples/sensors/camera/camera/rig.json
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] rig::DatabaseOverlayer: Failed to open a file '/tmp/car_vin' - file likely does not exist - skipping overlay
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] No valid data file found for camera:sample0 in parameter string: camera-name=SF3324,interface=csi-a,link=0,output-format=processed (using configuration folder /usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data/samples/sensors/camera/camera/)
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] rig::DatabaseOverlayer: Failed to open a file '/tmp/car_vin' - file likely does not exist - skipping overlay
onInitialize: creating camera.gmsl with params: camera-name=SF3324,interface=csi-a,link=0,output-format=processed
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] SensorFactory::createSensor() -> camera.gmsl, camera-name=SF3324,interface=csi-a,link=0,output-format=processed
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] CameraBase: pool size set to 8
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] SensorFactory::createSensor() -> camera.gmsl.master, 
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] CameraMaster::parseDevBlock Getting device info list.
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] devBlock: 1 Slave = 0 Interface = csi-a Camera_name = SF3324 Link = 0
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] Camera Match Name: SF3324 Description: Sekonix SF3324 module - 120-deg FOV, DVP AR0231-RCCB, MAX96705 linkIndex: 4294967295 serInfo.Name: MAX96705
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] Client, Setting up information for camera ID 0
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] Client, successfully found info for camera ID 0 bound to id 0
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] CameraClient: no NITO found at /opt/nvidia/nvmedia/nit/SF3324.nito
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] CameraClient: using NITO found at /opt/nvidia/nvmedia/nit/sf3324.nito
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] Initialize DriveWorks VisualizationSDK v4.0.0
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] Initialize DriveWorksGL SDK v4.0.0
onInitialize: Total cameras 1
onInitialize: getting image props 0
onInitialize: initilizing stream: 0
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] StreamConsumerGL: successfully initialized
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] StreamProducerCUDA: successfully initialized
Main: Starting master.
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] CameraGSMLMaster: starting...
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] SIPLMaster::SIPLMaster: Setting up master camera
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] Platform: 
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] Platform Config: 
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] Description: 
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] Number of device blocks: 1
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] Device Block : 0
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 	csiPort: 0
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 	i2cDevice: 0
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 	Deserializer Name: MAX96712
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 	Deserializer Description: Maxim 96712 Aggregator
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 	Deserializer i2cAddress: 41
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 	Simulator Mode: 0
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 	Slave Mode: 0
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 	Phy Mode: 0
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 	Number of camera modules: 1
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 	CameraModule index: 0
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 		Name :SF3324
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 		Description: Sekonix SF3324 module - 120-deg FOV, DVP AR0231-RCCB, MAX96705
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 		Serializer name: MAX96705
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 		Serializer description: Maxim 96705 Serializer
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 		Serializer i2cAdress: 64
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 			Sensor ID: 0
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 			Sensor name: AR0231
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 			Sensor description: OnSemi AR0231 Sensor
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 			Sensor i2cAddress: 16
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 			Sensor isTPGEnabled: 0
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 			Sensor isTriggerMode: 1
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 				 cfa: 39
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 				 embeddedTopLines: 24
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 				 embeddedBottomLines: 4
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 				 inputFormat: 8
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 				 height: 1208
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 				 width: 1920
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 				 fps: 30.0000000
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] 				 Embedded Data: 0
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] CameraMaster available outputs: 1
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] CameraClient: setting pipeline config for camera ID 0
[24-08-2023 19:47:02] CameraMaster: master initiation
MAX96712: Revision 2 detected
MAX96712: Enable periodic AEQ on Link 0
MAX96705: Pre-emphasis set to 0xaa
MAX96705: Revision 1 detected!
Sensor AR0231 RCCB Rev7 detected!
[24-08-2023 19:47:03] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:03] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
Module_id 22 Severity 6 : NvMediaICPCreateEx 76
Module_id 22 Severity 6 : T19x VI version  0x000019
[24-08-2023 19:47:04] CameraClient: allocating RAW surfaces, nvmedia surface 210
[24-08-2023 19:47:04] Registering imagegroups for pipeline 0 NO COOKIES
[24-08-2023 19:47:04] CameraClient: allocating ISP surfaces 36
[24-08-2023 19:47:04] CameraClient: format not specified. Using h264 in Codec Header.
[24-08-2023 19:47:04] CameraMaster: bootstrap complete
Module_id 30 Severity 2 : src/control/common/camrangecheck.cpp 71
Module_id 30 Severity 2 : parameter is out of range
Module_id 30 Severity 2 : src/control/common/camrangecheck.cpp 306
Module_id 30 Severity 2 : Bad input parameter : Exposure Time
Module_id 30 Severity 2 : src/control/common/camrangecheck.cpp 349
Module_id 30 Severity 2 : Bad input parameter : EmbInfo
Module_id 30 Severity 2 : src/control/auto/SiplControlAuto.cpp 468
Module_id 30 Severity 2 : Bad input parameter currFrameEmbedInfo
SIPL_ICP_ISP_0: /dvs/git/dirty/git-master_linux/camera/fusa/sipl/src/core/pipelineMgr/spmgr/pipeline/blocks/CNvMISPBlock.cpp: 673: ProgramISP: GetNoiseProfile failed. status:1
SIPL_ICP_ISP_0: /dvs/git/dirty/git-master_linux/camera/fusa/sipl/src/core/pipelineMgr/spmgr/pipeline/blocks/CNvMISPBlock.cpp: 613: ProcessISP: ProgramISP failed
SIPL_ICP_ISP_0: /dvs/git/dirty/git-master_linux/camera/fusa/sipl/src/core/pipelineMgr/spmgr/pipeline/CNvMSensorPipeline.cpp: 1088: DoISPProcessing: ISP block process isp failed
[24-08-2023 19:47:04] CameraClient: Notification received from pipeline index:0 of type: NOTIF_ERROR_ISP_PROCESSING_FAILURE
[24-08-2023 19:47:05] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:05] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:06] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:06] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:07] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:07] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:08] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:08] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:09] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:09] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:10] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:10] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:11] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:11] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:12] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:12] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:13] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:13] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:14] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:14] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:15] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:15] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:16] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:16] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:17] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:17] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:18] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:18] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:19] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:19] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:20] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:20] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:21] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:21] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:22] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:22] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:23] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:23] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:24] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:24] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:25] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:25] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:26] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:26] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:27] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:27] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:28] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:28] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:29] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:29] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:30] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:30] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:31] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:31] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:32] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:32] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:33] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:33] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:34] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:34] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:35] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:35] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:36] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[24-08-2023 19:47:36] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout

I modified the rig.json file, based on the solution provided in one of the discussions

Please find below the snippet showing the modification done

    "rig": {
        "sensors": [
                "name": "camera:sample0",
                "nominalSensor2Rig_FLU": {
                    "roll-pitch-yaw": [
                    "t": [
                "parameter": "camera-name=SF3324,interface=csi-a,link=0,output-format=processed,skip-eeprom=0",
                "properties": {
                    "Model": "ftheta",
                    "width": "1920",
                    "height": "1208",
                    "cx": "960",
                    "cy": "604",
                    "bw-poly": "0.0 0.000545421498827636 -1.6216719633103e-10 -4.64720492990289e-12 2.85224527762934e-16"
                "protocol": "camera.gmsl"
        "vehicle": {
            "valid": false
    "version": 2

Please could you let us know the reason for this issue?

Best regards,

Please clarify by running on a physical Sekonix SF3324 camera.


I ran it with the Sekonix SF3324 camera and, here is the log below,

[25-08-2023 10:41:02] Platform: Detected DDPX - Tegra A
[25-08-2023 10:41:02] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1692952738078025
[25-08-2023 10:41:02] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at nvpps. Fallback to eth0
[25-08-2023 10:41:02] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at 'eth0'. Fallback to CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
[25-08-2023 10:41:02] Platform: number of GPU devices detected 1
[25-08-2023 10:41:02] Platform: currently selected GPU device integrated ID 0
[25-08-2023 10:41:02] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from '/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/data/': VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount '/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/data/[.pak]'
[25-08-2023 10:41:02] Context::findDataRootInPathWalk data/DATA_ROOT found at: /usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/../data
[25-08-2023 10:41:02] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from '/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/../data/': VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount '/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin/../data/[.pak]'
[25-08-2023 10:41:02] Context::findDataRootInPathWalk data/DATA_ROOT found at: /usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data
[25-08-2023 10:41:02] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from '/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data/': VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount '/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data/[.pak]'
[25-08-2023 10:41:02] SDK: No resources(.pak) mounted, some modules will not function properly
[25-08-2023 10:41:02] SDK: Create NvMediaDevice
[25-08-2023 10:41:02] SDK: Create NvMedia2D
[25-08-2023 10:41:02] SDK: use EGL display as provided
[25-08-2023 10:41:02] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1692952738078025
[25-08-2023 10:41:02] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at nvpps. Fallback to eth0
[25-08-2023 10:41:02] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at 'eth0'. Fallback to CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
[25-08-2023 10:41:02] Initialize DriveWorks SDK v4.0.0
[25-08-2023 10:41:02] Release build with GNU 7.3.1 from no-gitversion-build against Drive PDK v5.2.6.0
[25-08-2023 10:41:02] Rig::fromFile: Loading rig file: /usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data/samples/sensors/camera/camera/rig.json
[25-08-2023 10:41:02] rig::DatabaseOverlayer: Failed to open a file '/tmp/car_vin' - file likely does not exist - skipping overlay
[25-08-2023 10:41:02] No valid data file found for camera:sample0 in parameter string: camera-name=SF3324,interface=csi-a,link=0,output-format=processed (using configuration folder /usr/local/driveworks-4.0/data/samples/sensors/camera/camera/)
[25-08-2023 10:41:02] rig::DatabaseOverlayer: Failed to open a file '/tmp/car_vin' - file likely does not exist - skipping overlay
onInitialize: creating camera.gmsl with params: camera-name=SF3324,interface=csi-a,link=0,output-format=processed
[25-08-2023 10:41:02] SensorFactory::createSensor() -> camera.gmsl, camera-name=SF3324,interface=csi-a,link=0,output-format=processed
[25-08-2023 10:41:02] CameraBase: pool size set to 8
[25-08-2023 10:41:02] SensorFactory::createSensor() -> camera.gmsl.master, 
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] CameraMaster::parseDevBlock Getting device info list.
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] devBlock: 1 Slave = 0 Interface = csi-a Camera_name = SF3324 Link = 0
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] Camera Match Name: SF3324 Description: Sekonix SF3324 module - 120-deg FOV, DVP AR0231-RCCB, MAX96705 linkIndex: 4294967295 serInfo.Name: MAX96705
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] Client, Setting up information for camera ID 0
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] Client, successfully found info for camera ID 0 bound to id 0
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] CameraClient: no NITO found at /opt/nvidia/nvmedia/nit/SF3324.nito
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] CameraClient: using NITO found at /opt/nvidia/nvmedia/nit/sf3324.nito
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] Initialize DriveWorks VisualizationSDK v4.0.0
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] Initialize DriveWorksGL SDK v4.0.0
onInitialize: Total cameras 1
onInitialize: getting image props 0
onInitialize: initilizing stream: 0
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] StreamConsumerGL: successfully initialized
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] StreamProducerCUDA: successfully initialized
Main: Starting master.
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] CameraGSMLMaster: starting...
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] SIPLMaster::SIPLMaster: Setting up master camera
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] Platform: 
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] Platform Config: 
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] Description: 
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] Number of device blocks: 1
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] Device Block : 0
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 	csiPort: 0
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 	i2cDevice: 0
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 	Deserializer Name: MAX96712
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 	Deserializer Description: Maxim 96712 Aggregator
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 	Deserializer i2cAddress: 41
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 	Simulator Mode: 0
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 	Slave Mode: 0
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 	Phy Mode: 0
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 	Number of camera modules: 1
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 	CameraModule index: 0
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 		Name :SF3324
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 		Description: Sekonix SF3324 module - 120-deg FOV, DVP AR0231-RCCB, MAX96705
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 		Serializer name: MAX96705
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 		Serializer description: Maxim 96705 Serializer
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 		Serializer i2cAdress: 64
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 			Sensor ID: 0
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 			Sensor name: AR0231
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 			Sensor description: OnSemi AR0231 Sensor
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 			Sensor i2cAddress: 16
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 			Sensor isTPGEnabled: 0
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 			Sensor isTriggerMode: 1
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 				 cfa: 39
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 				 embeddedTopLines: 24
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 				 embeddedBottomLines: 4
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 				 inputFormat: 8
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 				 height: 1208
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 				 width: 1920
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 				 fps: 30.0000000
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] 				 Embedded Data: 0
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] CameraMaster available outputs: 1
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] CameraClient: setting pipeline config for camera ID 0
[25-08-2023 10:41:03] CameraMaster: master initiation
MAX96712: Revision 2 detected
MAX96712: Enable periodic AEQ on Link 0
MAX96705: Pre-emphasis set to 0xaa
MAX96705: Revision 1 detected!
Sensor AR0231 RCCB Rev7 detected!
[25-08-2023 10:41:04] SIPLClient: ImageQueue timeout
[25-08-2023 10:41:04] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue timeout
Module_id 22 Severity 6 : NvMediaICPCreateEx 76
Module_id 22 Severity 6 : T19x VI version  0x000019
[25-08-2023 10:41:04] CameraClient: allocating RAW surfaces, nvmedia surface 210
[25-08-2023 10:41:04] Registering imagegroups for pipeline 0 NO COOKIES
[25-08-2023 10:41:04] CameraClient: allocating ISP surfaces 36
[25-08-2023 10:41:04] CameraClient: format not specified. Using h264 in Codec Header.
[25-08-2023 10:41:04] CameraMaster: bootstrap complete
[25-08-2023 10:41:04] SIPLClient: Acquisition started
Timing results:
Thread main:
-onProcess                CPU:    10us, std=  11       | GPU:     6us, std=  21       | samples=558
-onRender                 CPU: 32703us, std=1626       | GPU: 33133us, std=1623       | samples=558

[25-08-2023 10:41:23] Sensor statistics for: camera.gmsl, camera-name=SF3324,interface=csi-a,link=0,output-format=processed
[25-08-2023 10:41:23] Events: 559
Errors: 0
Drops: 0
minDelta: 33286.00000
maxDelta: 33383.00000
meanDelta: 33333.2891
Standard deviation: 19.5976
[25-08-2023 10:41:23] Deinit master camera
[25-08-2023 10:41:23] SIPLClient: ImageQueue shutdown
[25-08-2023 10:41:23] SIPLNotifier: Event notification queue shutdown
[25-08-2023 10:41:25] CameraClient: Stopping client
[25-08-2023 10:41:25] Releasing camera master
[25-08-2023 10:41:25] Driveworks VisualizationSDK released
[25-08-2023 10:41:25] Releasing Driveworks SDK Context
[25-08-2023 10:41:25] SDK: Release NvMediaDevice
[25-08-2023 10:41:25] DriveworksGL SDK released
[25-08-2023 10:41:25] SDK: Release NvMedia2D

I’m able to obtain the output image with the real camera,

However, if you refer to my previous post, we noticed that in the emulation, we get a message

DoISPProcessing: ISP block process isp failed

Could you let us know how we can disable the ISP within the rig.json file?
What we should set the isp-mode to in the camera parameter?

Best regards,

As I mentioned earlier in your other topic, emulation camera support may be outside the forum support scope. Please initiate a discussion with your nvidia representative about the engagement and make sure to set a clear expectation.

Please ensure that the value returned in the exposureTime field of sensorExpInfo is within the valid range of [0.0, 100.0]. This should prevent the ‘parameter is out of range’ and related errors you’ve encountered.

Why do you want to disable the ISP?

Since we got the DoISPProcessing: ISP block process isp failed error, we thought that disabling the ISP would solve our problem

Please could you let us know which register addresses and the corresponding values we have to set, so that the exposure time is within the valid range of [0.0, 100.0] ?

Thanks a lot!

Best regards,

Hope you have already contacted your NVIDIA representative to discuss the emulation camera support.

Hello @VickNV ,

Thanks for asking,
short update, we were able to set the exposure values in our emulation

meanwhile, we are also in contact with the NVIDIA representative

Thanks again!

Best regards,

It would be appreciated if you could share how to resolve the exposure issue so other developers can benefit from it.

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